View Full Version : Hantavirus fear

27-03-17, 21:00
Hello. First time poster. I am dealing with a major hantavirus fear and just wanted to let it out, honestly. I am in North Florida. A couple of weeks ago I was in one of our big state parks that includes sleeper cabins. I noticed in some of the corners of the cabin that I was in, there were what may or may not have been rodent droppings. I did not disturb them at all. I noticed there was a broom in one of the corners but nobody that I know touched it in the 20 minutes that I was inside the cabin. The cabin had windows but it wasn't exactly bright...I say that because I've read sunlight kills the virus. I have become paralyzed with fear that there could have been hantavirus in these (possible) droppings, and I know it's ridiculous because it's all so hypothetical and plus Florida has only had one case of the virus in history, and that was in the 1990s. I'm here paranoid that if I get some sort of viral infection I'm going to panic and assume it's related to this. I just wanted to let this off my chest.

28-03-17, 01:43
Hey don't feel foolish. We've all made crazy leaps like this. Look at the bright side. You have a very powerful, creative and perceptive mind. Downside is that it enjoys screwing with you :)

28-03-17, 08:04
I had same fear your having but instead of droppings in a cabin it was my dog chewing on a dead rat outside and then when my parents let the dog back inside he started licking my face/lips. As the dog is licking my face my dad comes yelling in the house "don't let the dog lick you he was chewing on a dead rat". Soon after I became sick to my stomach that I was going to get the virus and even called the CDC hotline. I ended up being fine and the odds of getting the virus is like 1 in 30 million.