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View Full Version : on going symptoms - story

27-03-17, 22:45
Hey! Been viewing these threads for a month or so, relating to myself but never get a true reflection so thought i'd post, anyway.

Background - Previously university, worked in another country over summer then came home and within a month moved to the Capital city for a job. 2 weeks into the job I started to get symptoms, after convincing myself I was dying and about 6-8 doctors visits in 4 months, I'm still not 100%.

What I'm experiencing started as frequent urination, bowel movement and gas. I have been treated for UTI, GERD and been told I probably have health anxiety which is making it all worse. (The main scare being cancer due to close relation and friends having died or beaten it). These symptoms have since subsided, especially the Frequent urination and bowel movements. However, along with these I developed a pain under my left rib cage which has got better but still cause discomfort when I lay on my front or bend. Also, an uncomfortable pain in my left buttock when I sit down, can't describe this but it doesn't occur when doing exercise or anything. In addition to this, the pain under my left rib sometimes turns into a pulsating and I'm also experiencing a stinging pain or itchy feeling around my anus sometimes (crude, but yano)

I just really wanted to post this and see if anyone would understand as my Doctor thinks i'm totally fine and have nothing to worry about, i just have this worry as its been so many months now. I'm a male in my early 20s.

Sorry for the life story, I just want some feedback :) Thanks for listening:bighug1:

28-03-17, 01:28
Mostly sounds like anxiety to me, I get frequent urination and bowel movements. Also sometimes when I'm really.anxious if I sit down in the wrong position my butt goes numb.

As for the itchiness sounds like it could be fissures. I get that a bit too, nothing to worry about.

28-03-17, 07:55
I literally have the same symptoms you do. I have pain in abdomen which I think is from alcohol and acidic foods irritating my stomach. Also just 3 days ago i had a stinging poop come out and my poop had bright red streaks of blood in it and then I go to do my first wipe and it's a bunch of blood on the toilet paper. I workout and exercise a lot as well and I believe it is hemmroids or a fissure from constant exercise. If the blood is dark then I would be a tiny bit concerned but if it's fresh or red blood you have nothing to worry except maybe eating less foods that make your poop big and solid. I went and got my stomach checked 3 times past 5 months and everything was fine. Honestly if you had something bad or something to worry about you would have more symptoms than that. If you still don't feel good or mind is at ease go get a second opinion or see doctor again.

28-03-17, 18:57
Nice to hear some calming words haha, thanks guys!

Ryank65 - Have you ever had an answer to our issues? I've never really come across anyone with a match to my symptoms, sorry to hear this!