View Full Version : No matter what I do I cannot stop getting ill

27-03-17, 22:47
Hi there

Little bit of background on myself. I'm a short guy, nearly 30 years old, and I generally keep active and healthy. Until recently (When I fell ill again, but we'll get to that soon) I was getting up at 6:00 am to go running for an hour, have time for a healthy breakfast and plenty of stretching to go, sometimes even strength training if time permits.

But this is alongside my anxiety reaching new heights. During the summer of 2016 an insect bit me on the leg while I was out jogging, and my leg swelled up so massively it began to bleed. Being hospitalised for a couple of days was bad but what really terrified me was when I fainted.

At the hospital I was walking around as much as I could within reason, and suddenly I heard a deafening ringing in my ears, and I began to lose conciousness. I was grabbing onto beds, anything I could get my hands on to avoid falling on the floor but it just did not happen, I fell to the floor. I got up almost instantly but it was at that moment I realised I wasn't the young guy impervious to illness anymore, I was getting weak and probably even dying. I cried my eyes out at that realisation, for me that was even worse than the actual reason I was there! The doctors ran their tests and eventually once the bite had healed I was free to go.

Over the next few months during winter I started a new job, but one that carries more responsibilities than I'm used to so I frequently stress about those. Overall it's a great job though so few complaints there, except for the fact it's in an old building and everyone works in close quarters, making it ripe opportunity for diseases to spread. I sometimes caught things not long after other workers but nothing too bad, but at home I had my own worries.

Every single time I felt a persistant sensation, like on the arms,or in the chest. I would obsess, research, pick my family's brains (Helps having a mother who works as a nurse) and of course, Dr Google (Ya evil sod!). It wasn't just what the sensation was and what it meant, I wanted to know WHY, why would it appear so often and for so darn long, what was the cause, how could I stop it myself? And given that this forum's focus is on anxiety there are no prizes guessing what a lot of these sensations or pains where, simple anxiety!

Recently I had been improving on myself, and not having any worries at all. I would wake up early in the morning, really push myself and heck even add in new exercise methods with fuller stretches. I felt freaking great and I was having more varieties of fruit and veg than ever before, not like I was doing badly before.

But now I've caught a chest infection, a bacterial one that has had me in night sweats, lacking energy and appetite, and even coughing not just mucus but very tiny traces of blood. "I worked my butt off constantly, attempting to head off disease and illness before it came to me, I wanted to be able to not worry about a damned thing and not having health fears rule me. AND THIS HAPPENS!?" That was my train of thought. I've been given antibotics so we'll see how it goes but it always comes back to one thing in my mind.

No matter what I do, it's never good enough. Not for my body, or for anyone else. It always fails and sometimes I ask if it was worth even trying.

Sorry for the long rant on this, I thought I was over my anxieties and real life decided to give me a real illness to remind me that I fail no matter what.

Thanks for reading, I hope to get over this soon but are there any pointers? Kind regards.

27-03-17, 23:12
It's really, really frustrating when illness gets in the way of progress in workouts, etc... And even worse when you have health anxiety. But take a step back. You're a very healthy person. Probably​ more so than most. But, everyone gets sick. Especially this time of year. It's like prime time for colds and chest infections with changing seasons. It's impossible to completely avoid illness, and putting way too much pressure on yourself to think that getting sick is somehow a failure on your part. My 3 year old gets a cold every month (probably because I just caught her licking her foot), and I'm catching the one she's got now, which is probably my fourth or fifth this year.

You have not failed by getting sick. It's your anxiety getting in your head. Your antibiotics will work, you'll get better, and you'll get back to your routine. It's hard to break a good routine when it's keeping anxiety at bay.

---------- Post added at 20:09 ---------- Previous post was at 20:06 ----------

It might help you to come up with a plan of attack when you are sick. When you're healthy you have a great system of working out and eating right. So think of a list of things you can do to help heal faster when you're sick so you feel you have more control. Something like:

Go to bed one hour earlier
Drink tea with honey
Eat an extra serving of fruits high in vitamin C
Take an extra long hot shower

And this can change depending on the illness, but colds and other upper respiratory issues are what adults get most often.

---------- Post added at 20:12 ---------- Previous post was at 20:09 ----------

P.S. I'm from America, so apologies if putting honey in tea is some kind of tea mortal sin. 🇬🇧☕😁

28-03-17, 19:32
Thanks for the response ErinKC, I've already been having the honey in a cup with lemon on occassion. Damn sweet stuff! And no worries, honey with tea is seldom discussed so I doubt it's attacking British Tea Interests :P

My infection's seemingly gotten better since starting, I think the lung is kicking out the fluid pockets trapped inside as there's been a lot less mucus. I think I had a fleck of blood today but it was difficult to tell compared to yesterday. Fingers crossed it continues to improve.

I still feel angry at myself for being ill, especially as a lot of people I work with who suffered the same thing were a lot older. It makes me think my immune system is failing if it could not withstand something that I naturally should within my age group. And then I get angry for getting angry!

It just always comes back to the moment I collapsed in the hospital, and I'm scared of it happening again and leaving everyone behind.

On a cheerful end, I'll try the tips you provided, they're great ones! Thanks.

31-03-17, 16:44
Another lovely update!

Chest infection seems to be going downhill, but guess what? MORE SYMPOTMS!

This time it's around my left eye, the back of it felt like it was under pressure or fatique all during Thursday. It felt heavy, and every movement to the sides felt uncomfortable and strained. It was horrible and was such a relief to finally close my eyes at the end of the day.

Today's it's not quite as bad, but I'm really concious of it getting worse so I've booked to see an Optician on Sunday. But damnit I thought I was getting clear! But nope, as the topic title suggest, I cannot stop getting ill.