View Full Version : Weird Feeling In Chest...

27-03-17, 23:48
Weird Feeling In Chest
I just came off of Propranolol for Anxiety, and about a day later i started feeling this weird "thump" feeling in my chest every so often. It's almost like my heart, or stomach, is jumping in my chest for a second then going back to normal. Either that or it's like i feel a weird sensation in my chest/abdomen area, kinda like a twitch that just happens and goes away...weird thing is i'm not sure if it's my stomach or my heart that's making this feeling happen. Good thing though is that no pain is associated with this.

On top of that, i think i may have Acid Reflux, as i'm burping non-stop everyday, and i have a slight sore throat...I've also been so worried lately ABOUT that stuff that it's taken away from being happy in my life.

Does anyone know if this is normal? I had my heart checked about 3 years ago, when i was a freshmen in high school, i'm now a senior, and everything has checked out perfectly fine using an Echocardiogram/EKG. Should i go in for another test? Or should i wait longer to see if more problems arise? As the cause of my anxiety for the past month has been ABOUT me and worrying on my heart.

28-03-17, 12:53
Propanolol is a beta blocker so it has the tendency to mess with heart rhythm, it's designed for that among other things. Did you come off of it quickly, or did you wean yourself off? What did you have your heart checked for three years ago?