View Full Version : Its almost Friday 😥😥😥😥

28-03-17, 13:37
Ok so on Friday it's my referal day to have my lower left wisdom tooth removed.


The root is curved and it runs super good to one of the nerves, from what the dentist told me anyway.

I don't want to be sedated i don't want a ga but I don't want to be awake for iteither but I am going to ask for a local.

I'm so scared but I know I needit out sooner or later and i keep getting tooth ache etc.

I suppose the only good thing is that it's not impacted its fully out but I do have a crack in it.

How quick is the recovery time?

Baring in mind.... I've got toget myself to and from the hospital, my 6 year old son is at school and my 3 year old daughter Ia being looked after by an aunt whilst I go, once it's done I've got to collect my daughter from my aunt's on the way home and then collwct my son from school straight after. Will I be ok to do that???

28-03-17, 13:41
If you get sedation you will not be able to go straight to the school, I would say you shouldn't be crossing roads or anything straight after. I was with a sibling when they had sedation and they appeared drunk. However if you are just going to get local anesthetic you'll definitely be able to go to the school. As for recovery time my relative was fine a few hours later. They had 2 wisdom teeth removed. Not sure about pain etc though.

28-03-17, 14:29
I loved being sedated when I had my wisdom teeth out. Ask them to put relaxing music on or let you bring your own. Most peaceful experience I have ever had. Maybe you should reevaluate your perspective on this.

28-03-17, 16:51
Hi, I gt very stressed with the thought of dentists. I have had a few extractions all done under local anesthetic. It is usually very quick, try to not think too much about what is going on in there - try to think of other things. I found the bleeding stopped fairly quick, there wasnt much at all & the dentist will give you aftercare instructions about how & when to rinse etc.
I always feel a bit off afterwards but I think it is more of a reaction to the stress rather than the extraction. You should be fine doing your pick ups, just might be a bit dribbly! Take care & hope all goes well xx

28-03-17, 18:55
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed a few years ago in my late 20s. I was heavily sedated and don't remember much about it at all. It was a very easily procedure and recovery.

28-03-17, 22:22
Cheers for the replies guys I just HATE dentist after my last wisdom tooth extraction... not enough pain releif a dentist who ignored me resulted in my cryinf and moaning in the chair... I guess with it being a hospital referal I'll be in Better hands??

I don't want to be sedated or put to sleep I just want a local.... hate thethought of not being awakw/aware of what's happening

28-03-17, 23:16
Hi Bingjam

Reading this brought back memories of me getting my wisdom teeth out, I was petrified! :D

I went the same route as yourself and asked for just local anaesthetic. Couldn't feel a thing but I hated the noises! I didn't actually feel any severe pain at all even after the numbness wore off and the bleeding stopped after just an hour.

The only thing was that my jaw and cheekbones absolutely ached from having my mouth open for so long and the actual pain around the gums was actually quite minor. The dentist showed my teeth afterwards and they were like hooks, i'm amazed he even managed to get them out. I would say that the aching, minor pain and swelling got better daily and eventually were gone after 3-4 days.

I'm lucky that I have a good dentist, the staff were good at keeping me informed. I don't think you've anything to worry about, especially if it's a hospital appointment. Once it's over and done with you don't have to worry about them ever again! :yesyes:

Best of luck!

29-03-17, 00:55
Cheers for the replies guys I just HATE dentist after my last wisdom tooth extraction... not enough pain releif a dentist who ignored me resulted in my cryinf and moaning in the chair... I guess with it being a hospital referal I'll be in Better hands??

I don't want to be sedated or put to sleep I just want a local.... hate thethought of not being awakw/aware of what's happening

You got it all wrong :) You want to be knocked out. Best sleep I ever had.

Anyway, to each his/her own. Good luck!