View Full Version : Adrenaline causing inflammation?

28-03-17, 14:20
I found a post I wrote almost 7 years ago (I had a different user name then) about anxiety making one feel physically ill.

........"I know I've posted about this before but each time it happens it causes me so much anxiety I just need some reassurance or confirmation that I'm not going mad!
Once a year maybe more, I start feeling ill, my head feels as though it's full of pressure and I feel almost feverish - like when you have the flu. I get dizzy, vertigo, I feel off balance.
I start to feel anxious about these symptoms, worried that it may be something bad coming - somethig wrong with my brain - you know how it goes.....
With the anxiety I begin to feel worse, aching joints, head-ache, more pressure in my head.
I've had this a number of times over the past 10 years and it sometimes last for up to a month. I never feel ill enough to stay in bed, but not well enough to enjoy life.
Sometimes I go to the doctor for a check-up thinking that if I'm given the all-clear, I'll relax and get better. That doesn't happen. I feel relieved that they can't find anything wrong, but the symptoms just keep on coming.
My question is this? Does anyone else suffer from these symptoms?
Is it possible to feel so ill, just from anxiety alone?
Should I be worrying about my health or going for further tests?
I'm so sick of feeling this way and long to feel normal again." .......

I'm having another "flare-up" of this currently . Coincidently I've been through a bad patch lately having moved to a new country (second move in six months) financial battles, husband being ill. Just when I think things are settling, I come down with this mysterious illness...... Again!

Fortunately I could look back in my posts and see that I've had this many times before. But it's still a mystery. Doctors don't seem to be able to explain it. I've done some research on Google and it looks like it's caused by adrenaline overload. I think.

Anyone have anything similar or want to comment on this? Any ideas of how to treat it?