View Full Version : Having a bad day

27-10-04, 14:50
Hi all

Well i was feeling ok until midday... had a nuisance call. He knew me by name and proceeded to talk about what he'd like to do to me. The police have been here to take a statement and are taking it quite seriously. It's just totally freaked me out as i'm sure i knew his voice.

I feel all paranoid and anxious now and can't help but think he's watching me at work. Why do these things always happen to the most vulnerable of people?!


27-10-04, 15:01
Thats a horrible thing to have happen you you KW. One of the hardest things after something like this is trusting people. You find yourself treating everyone with suspicion. Its true that these sick minded people choose the vulnerable ones to pick on! Its because they are cowards and wouldnt dare pick on someone who they thought would fight back!

You can fight this your own way though just by keeping your strength and not giving him the satisfaction of him thinking he has power over you. You have the support of the police who can be very helpful with these matters and if you think it would help, confide in a few close workmates who you know you can trust. All eyes and ears open so to speak.

Dont live in fear of this coward!! Take any precautions you need to to make yourself feel secure and talk to those who are happy to listen.

Thinking of you

Love Minny...xxx

I have NOT failed!! Ive succeeded in finding 1000 solutions that dont work! :o)

27-10-04, 15:13
Thanks Minny. All the staff have been very supportive as they could see how shaken i was by it all. I keep reassuring myself that it was just some sicko with a sad life and happened to pick on me.

Thanks for your support. I'll be ok. These things can just be a bit of a shock when they happen


27-10-04, 15:15
hello KW,

That is so horribe!! What a nasty thing to put someone through. I don't blame you for feeling anxious. I'm sure that it is just someone's idea of a sick joke. Do you live alone?

Sarah :D

27-10-04, 16:02

I'm not surprised you are feeling upset and anxious over this. It is a terrible thing for someone to do.

It is good the police have been involved and are taking it seriously.

Will you have someone with you tonight?


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

27-10-04, 16:17
Sarah - I live with my boyfriend thankfully so don't have to worry about being alone.

Karen - It is terrible, some people are just so sick. I cut him off before he could finish his little kick. I'll be with my boyfriend tonight but going to counselling (i need it!) so hoping my boyfriend will come with me just to drop me off and pick me up


27-10-04, 16:21

I'm glad your boyfriend will be with you, and I am sure the counselling will help tonight.

I had some phone calls like that a few years ago at home, and I know it is frightening. I had to change my number in the end. It didn't help with my fear of using the phone and I now have caller display so I can see who is calling.

I hope you're feeling better.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

27-10-04, 16:23
Hi KW,

Bullies always pick on those they know something about.

Have you any recollection to place the voice at all from a bygone era, work etc . Did the call come at work or home ?

Was the call violent or sexual in nature ?

Good for you for cutting him off

Take all extra care you need to.


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

27-10-04, 17:49
I'm scared of everything

Large spaces
Loving someone

27-10-04, 18:07
Unfortunately there are some very sad people about who get a kick out of hurting others.

Hope you are feeling better now.


27-10-04, 22:50

Really sorry to hear what happened to you today, no wonder you're feeling anxious right now. At least the police are dealing with it and if this sad person decides to try anything again he's putting himself at a hell of a risk. It really is best to totally ignore this sort of thing, quite often what they want is for you to be horrified and show how scared you are and that's how they get their sad little kicks.

Why not ask your boyfriend to stay with you for a few days just until you feel a little more confident again?

Take care, love Jo xx

27-10-04, 22:52
Oh yes, forgot to say that something very similar happened to a friend of mine just a few weeks ago - to add insult to injury he even made it a reverse charge call LOL

28-10-04, 09:46
Hi Meg

The call was at work and sexual in nature. At first i thought i knew him and felt embarrassed as i couldn't place who he was but then he went on to ask if i was alone and informed me of what he wanted to do to me. He knew my name you see and that worried me, but an advert for jobs has recently gone in the paper and has my name and number in it so i'm assuming he found it that way.

Jo - I live with my boyfriend, i guess he's more of my partner - not sure what you call it these days!

Thanks for all your support. Feeling a lot better today and counselling really helped me lastnight. My counsellor actually said i don't really need to see her as she thinks i'm doing ok in life! But i said i'd like to see her a few more times just to build on my confidence


28-10-04, 13:10

It's good to hear you are feeling better today.

I'm glad the counselling helped and is going well. It sounds like you are doing really well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.