View Full Version : Black spot in my mole

28-03-17, 17:06
hey all,

new to this forum or any forums like this. I have developed a bit of hypochondria since a bit of a cancer scare when i found a lump in my testicles however turned out to be just a cyst. Recently my hypochondria has led to me examining my moles constantly anyway... im 19 btw

i had a small slightly raised light brown mole on my arm that has been there for at least 2 years probably more. I stupidly decided to start picking at it then i noticed a black dot appeared on the mole which wouldn't rub off. Then a few hours after i had eventually gotten to the point that i had picked off the entire mole.

Not too sure what the black spot was part of me wants to think maybe it was just blood or a fibre or something got stuck in there after i was picking at it originally(before the black dot appeared)

It has been a bit over a week and so far the cut has mostly healed despite me constantly picking the scab off. No sign of any repigmentation.

I know that picking at moles is stupid and i have been regretting doing so for about a week.

i probably wouldnt be too worried about it but i did receive a bad sunburn on that spot on my arm a few years ago.

29-03-17, 02:23
anyone? :weep:

29-03-17, 08:31
Hi, think its prob because you picked it causing a bit of blood. I think I wouldn't worry if its healing fine, but would try to stop picking scab incase it gets infected! Keep an eye on it but I wouldn't worry. Are you getting help for your h/ a ? xx

29-03-17, 13:55
Thanks for the reply and no not yet but i will soon if it gets any worse. again thanks for the response