View Full Version : So sick.

28-03-17, 17:56
It started out on Saturday, when I developed a bad migraine. I may have taken too much pain reliever, because, although the headache went away by the next day, I had terrible heartburn and nausea and just a general lack of appetite.
I lay in bed for most of the weekend, but Monday I tried to go back to work, but the heartburn and nausea and a general feeling of weakness persisted, and at one point I felt dizzy and faint, so i went home early.
So during the night I started to have severe stomach pains, and now I'm having diarrhea, over and over. I've probably had it 20 times or more in the past twelve hours. I have never felt so unwell in my life, at least not that I can remember.
This is definitely NOT IBS, which i am very familiar with.
This is either an intestinal virus or food poisoning.
I feel like I am going to die. I can't get out of bed except to go to the toilet.
I have to go pick up my little boy from school later, but I have a friend who is going to stay over with me tonight to help me take care of him.
I was able to go to the drugstore earlier, and get Gatorade electrolyte fluid, so hopefully I won't die of dehydration.
I feel really depressed. I can't stop crying, which is probably not helping the dehydration any. I don't know why I feel so depressed suddenly. I just feel so weak, and like everything in my life is out of control, and I can't even get out of bed and deal with any of it.

Well, just needed to vent, I guess.

28-03-17, 20:59
Aw, sorry you feel so unwell. Its understandable you feel depressed but hopefully in the next day or so you'll feel better & your mood will improve too. Look after yourself :hugs:xx

29-03-17, 17:49
I just went through this... Uggghhhh! No fun! It hit me Monday night and I spent most of the night expelling from both ends. I stayed home from work yesterday and slept a little off and on throughout the day and was finally able to get some broth in me last night. I'm at work today but I feel like I've been hit by a semi truck! May leave early :(

Apparently it's just something going around but man! It kicked my a$$ literally!

Positive thoughts

31-03-17, 12:34
Well, I survived it. I'm pretty much better. It was a very upsetting ordeal though, and a good reminder to me to appreciate my health. It's not until I'm very ill that I actually remember to appreciate the fact that I'm usually quite healthy. The rest of the time I take it for granted and spend my time worrying that I may be sick, even when I'm not.
But gosh, when you're really sick, you know it. lol.
I sure did, this week.

Best to all.

31-03-17, 14:21
So good to hear you are feeling better:) xx