View Full Version : I'm new here

28-03-17, 19:47
Hi everyone!

As my title says, I'm new here, so I wanted to introduce myself.

I've always been an anxious person. I can easily recall many times during childhood that I was sure I was going to die because I accidentally got hand lotion in my mouth or some food tasted funny when I ate it I used to call my Mom at work over and over again, afraid that I had just doomed myself in some way.

After that ended, I moved on to becoming nervous about new situations or going on trips. All of these situations still cause great anxiety for me, by my most recent issue has been my health.

I gave birth to my daughter in the summer of 2015. During the last few months of pregnancy, I felt very lightheaded a lot of the time,but convinced myself it was just pregnancy blood pressure problems and assumed it would go away after birth. Well, it's almost been two years now and I still get those lightheaded symptoms. This all turned into a constant dizziness after a while.

I went to my doctor about the dizziness and ended up having a tilt table test. During that test, I passed out within one minute of it starting. We don't know what caused that, though, as I'm not orthstatic. Since then, I've been to numerous doctors and more and more symptoms started to present themselves.:doh:

Finally, I got to the point where I was fed up with all of my symptoms being ignored by the specialists and went back to my regular doctor. She started to question where some of these symptoms were caused by anxiety. My mother had also raised this question, but I was in such a state of fear from the medical stuff and symptoms that I was afraid to chalk it up to anxiety.

Ever since my doctor suggested anxiety, I've been trying to have a different perspective when off symptoms pop up, but I still have that lingering fear that there is something terribly wrong with me like a blood clot in my brain or MS. At this moment, I'm having chills on my scalp and neck with a headache starting.

I hope that this site brings us all peace and perspective.

28-03-17, 19:53
Hiya meant2live and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

29-03-17, 16:15
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

29-03-17, 17:39
Thank you both!

The biggest help I have right now is the knowledge that it's not just me.

29-03-17, 20:03

I joined a couple of months ago (I think!) but haven't posted much so also feel like a newbie. I had similar anxiety about my health though my worries change regularly. Having children has been a trigger - I didn't have anxiety before though was a worrier. We faces a big health scare withbmy daughter two yeas ago and that was the biggest trigger for me.

I think you need to trust your doctors. I know they are human and make mistakes but they are also very experienced.

Have you tried mindfulness or other relaxation exersizes? There are lots on YouTube - infind breathing techniques help me a lot when I am in a state of absolute panic. I have also experienced lightheadedness and dizziness and focusing on breathing really helps.

31-03-17, 15:57
I'll have to look up some breathing techniques. I think that would help.

I've heard of the technique where you name 5 things you see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. I've tried that a few times.

31-03-17, 20:50
Hello u are not alone thats for sure. I have HA very bad any little pain i feel and i thi k the worst.
I dont know how many times a week i think i am having a heart attack or a blood clot or i have cancer or a brain annurysm...u will notice i cant spell well lol. Any way just k ow ur not alone. I fighting with my brain as i type this thinking i have cancer and its now in my liver. I jad an ultrasound done on my gallbladder because i was having bad pains after eating fatty foods. Well the ultrasound found a shadow on my liver my blood work was all good cbc good ogran blood work all good. Had the mri done wed. So waiting on results on what they seen on my liver needlesa to say i am nervous wreck and google has made it worse. But i keep reminding my self that my blood work was good and i feel good i eat fine not lost alot of weight a few pounds because fatty food are bugging me right now but nothing to bad and my engery is good. But still very very scared i have the c word........