View Full Version : constant fear cant cope

26-04-07, 11:21
Hi All

Having an awful time, constant anxiety from when I get up until evening, getting constant panic attacks and agoraphobia is back with a vengance. Went to my daughters for a coffee yesterday ( only down the road) was terrified and had a huge panic attack when I come out. Just dont know what to do cant cope with this constant struggle every day. Also had migraine attacks for 3 evenings zig zag lights followed by bad headache, just dont know whats happening to me SO SCARED.
Trying hard to accept these feelings, but feel like I am spiralling down. I feel such a failure I have suffered with agoraphobia and panic for 25 years at different levels and feel I should be able to cope better, my 3 kids are grown up but I see them every day and they hate seeing me like this, just dont know what to do:weep: :weep: :weep:


26-04-07, 11:58
Aww Barb sorry to hear you feel so pants.

Hun what are your current relaxation techniques ie; for me it's things like listening to my Glenn Harrold cd's or yoga, crystals etc. Lavendar oil on a cottonwool ball etc. What do you find helpful in lowering your anxiety in general???

Piglet :flowers:

26-04-07, 12:06
Thanks Piglet, well distraction mainly, do use lavender and stick a rock rose crystal down my bra Lol!! and I also do EFT, and my daughter gives me reiki when she has time.

Luv Barbxxx

26-04-07, 12:20
Trying hard to accept these feelings, but feel like I am spiralling down. I feel such a failure I have suffered with agoraphobia and panic for 25 years at different levels and feel I should be able to cope better, my 3 kids are grown up but I see them every day and they hate seeing me like this, just dont know what to do:weep: :weep: :weep:


Once again I can totally relate to how you are feeling having also had agoraphobia for over 30yrs. It is odd how it seems to change in intensity and you can go for weeks or months feeling pretty okay and them seemingly out of the blue 'wham' you feel back to where you were. I wish there was a magic wand we could all wave to make us feel better. I'm sorry you are feeling so bad and hope that things get better for you soon.

I also find lavender oil helps as it is very calming. I also use my iPod a lot when I'm very anxious and listen to either some meditation or self help stuff. I also download lots of podcasts from iTunes as there are tons of self help and meditation things you can get for free on there.

I hope that you feel better soon.

26-04-07, 12:39
Hi Barb

Sorry to hear your having such a tough time. I know how your feeling, my panic attacks have returned with a veangence and scaring me so much.
I,me trying all sorts and the moment, even taken up knitting while watching telly and it has helped. Also giving aromatherapy a try. Have you tried Neroli essential oil. You can put a couple of drops on a tissue when your feeling panicky. It does help.
Hope you soon feel better.:hugs: Traceyxxxx

26-04-07, 13:49
Hi Barb,
I myself am having a bad time (agoraphobia relapse) at the moment too. Its just so difficult to grasp why we can't just overcome this fear. I wish i could offer you some sound advice but sadly i have none, otherwise i wouldn't be struggling myself.
All i can say is that you're not alone and i wish you well :)

Sarah x

26-04-07, 14:09

Sending you hugs hun. I am feeling somewhat similar at the moment. There appears to be no escape, eh?

But there is, and we need to grasp that belief.

Oh, and you are NOT a failure. You are extremely strong and positive in battling through this.

Take Care

26-04-07, 17:08
Ooh yes my 2nd favourite is neroli oil - no idea why but it really lifts me!!

Piglet :flowers:

26-04-07, 19:35
Hi Barb,
I am going through much the same thing at the moment so i can really sympathise with you here.
I took the step and went to a hypnotherapist yesterday, my heart thumped the whole way through but i did come out more relaxed than when i went in, she also gave me a relaxation cd to listen to as many times per day as i can manage, i have listened to it a few times now and i do feel it helps a good bit. Could you maybe get someone to pick you up a copy of one from a healt shop or good book store! it's worth a try!

Good luck to you gal and i hope you feel a bit better soon