View Full Version : Panic attack? Heart explosion feeling?

29-03-17, 01:44
Hi guys,
I've suffered with panic disorder for years (can see from previous posts), I've spent tonight crying and had a really rough day. I was just playing my game when all of a sudden something in my chest felt weird and my heart just started racing, I felt all numb and dizzy. I calmed myself, told myself it was a panic attack and it stopped. Please note I don't think that the heart rate elevation was instant I think it had built up but it felt instant. I've had chest pain and rib pain since I cried. I've had a really rough day, it feels similar to my other panic attacks but it's so much more frightening. It's like something explodes and off my heart goes. So here's the thing: I've had artial fibrillation come up on ONE ambulance ecg with a further four being clear. I've recently had a 24 hour monitor that has come back clear... what do you guys think? Top hint I've been scared of sudden cardiac death for years!

29-03-17, 02:27
The equipment they use in ambulance is generally not quite as good as in hospitals themselves. That said, they're still very good. But it's possible it was just an anomaly. Really, it's question to put to a doctor if you haven't already. But it doesn't seem like you have anything to worry about.

Are you receiving any help? Panic disorder is a very challenging condition to live with, but it can be overcome with the right help and perseverance.

29-03-17, 13:57
Thanks for the reply,
I believe I'm most likely in the all clear too but it's hard to get rid of something from my mind that came up on one thing. I used to be on Prozac for years that pretty much stopped it all, I was seeing a mental health service etc but I stopped the Prozac and after a year it's back to stage one

31-03-17, 22:39
I'm right there with you, Kayla. I get the same feeling in my chest (it feels warm and then I get a rush to my face). My heart that starts pounding. I too had a weird reading an EKG in an ambulance causing my panic disorder to escalate. I was on Prozac before and much better. I'm now starting meds again and i'm struggling big time. I'm here if you ever need to talk.