View Full Version : Tinnitus, pressure in temples and above ear, face tingling, numb neck below ears

29-03-17, 06:16
All this started 2 years ago. At first I had slight discomfort in my left temple while travelling in bus and suddenly after nights sleep I woke up with tinnitus on my right ear. I went to ent doctor he shakes it off by saying it must your imagination. Now the tingling or tightness in face has become worse. It starts from temples comes down to cheek and goes through scm and joins collor bone. I'm freaked out because of this. I don't know what to. Sometimes Ill have twitching all over the body. My tinnitus has come to left ear as well but less intense that the right one. Muscle that runs from ear lobe to back of the neck seems numb. I don't know what to do.
If anyone has experienced these symptoms please give your suggestion.

30-03-17, 09:39
I get this on my right side too. It worries me constantly but I do also have tmj disorder and regularly clench my jaws tight (especially at night) I am wondering if this makes it worse?!

30-03-17, 12:05
does your muscle tightness travel from temple into chin and to neck?

30-03-17, 12:36
Yes and down to my shoulders too. Does it ease if you massage to area?

30-03-17, 13:09
nah most of the times it wont. ill just have to take some deep breaths to make it go.
Does it feel like its crawling? that muscle tightness