View Full Version : I'm New - Good Morning From England

29-03-17, 11:16
Hi all,

I've struggled with anxiety since my teens, am now middle aged. The past 5 years have been the most challenging of my life in relation to life events. I've lost both parents to cancer, my Dad before Christmas 2016, whom I still miss very much. Our eldest child was diagnosed with Crohns Disease (inflammatory bowel disease) and had major surgery 2 years ago. It's been one thing after another ....

Have been on two different anti-depressants over the past 4 years, Citalopram now Mirtazipine, plus Valium which I have got addicted to and am now trying to wean myself off, which 4 months in is still hard. The Drs let me go 'cold turkey' to start and I had awful chemical withdrawal, including disassociation, shakes, severe anxiety, sweats etc. I was taking a dose as much as 25mg, so why they thought I wouldn't have any side effects, is ridiculous.

Last year I was diagnosed with Chronic Depression and PTSD by a Psychiatrist.

29-03-17, 11:23
Hiya MichelleS and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

29-03-17, 16:12
Hi Michelle. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.

up a ladder
29-03-17, 21:56
Hi Michelle.
Sounds like you have been through the Mill for a while. I too have been anxious and depressed on and off for around 20 years (now 48). I intend to not just get over the latest bout but do more about preventing any reoccurance.
Keep well