View Full Version : Worrying about my heart (heart attack panic)

29-03-17, 16:00
bad indgiestion pain in the breast area (not sure whether I have pulled a muscle) and abdominal pain, also my neck and hips pain and back.

I know if I was having a heart attack I would not be able to post on here. I know sometimes I get this pain as my wisdom teeth are acting up from time to time.

My blood pressure is spot on, if there was a problem with my blood pressure high I am more at risk, I dont smoke or drink, not over weight (possibly slightly underweight for my height)

I am in my early 30s

Clydesdale Epona
29-03-17, 20:30
The likelihood of you having one is very slim(as you probably already know) I used to have this panic myself so I understand how horrible it must be x

All the best :hugs:

29-03-17, 20:47
I'm a two time heart attack, bypass and stents survivor. Nothing you said points to heart issues.

Positive thoughts

29-03-17, 21:15
Thank you both.

I had a blood test a couple of weeks ago for my condition, need reed doing as I had problems with my white blood cells the first time, but come back to normal. I also worried about pains in my arms, elbows and I am burping quite a bit like acid problems.

30-03-17, 01:51
I deal with the elbow and arm pain too from time to time

Also had my blood checked last month and doctor said my white bloods cells seemed a tiny bit low. It wasn't my GP though.

anx mum
01-04-17, 20:20
bad indgiestion pain in the breast area (not sure whether I have pulled a muscle) and abdominal pain, also my neck and hips pain and back.

I know if I was having a heart attack I would not be able to post on here. I know sometimes I get this pain as my wisdom teeth are acting up from time to time.

My blood pressure is spot on, if there was a problem with my blood pressure high I am more at risk, I dont smoke or drink, not over weight (possibly slightly underweight for my height)

I am in my early 30s

I'm the same hun worried sick getting chest pains shoulder and arm pain really scared its heart related

01-04-17, 22:16
im not trying to scare you but even when people have heart attacks they can still function normal like posting on this site. some poeple never even know they had aheart attack like my dad, he had some tests done and found out he had a heart attack many years ago and never knew it. however the symptoms if present of a heart attack are pretty noticable, if it doesnt get better soon just see your doctor for safe measure.