View Full Version : Staying in bed everyday with bad anxiety

29-03-17, 16:20
Hi all.

I've been an anxiety sufferer for about 4 months. I take 100mg sertraline but I have an issue.

I spend every day sitting in bed watching TV, YouTube or playing video games. With the odd movement for food of the toliet .

Because my anxiety is health related I constantly worry about getting a blood clot from this. I'm only 27 but the lack of mobility worries me but I can't bare the thought of moving. The slightest exertion makes me panic and I'm an eczema sufferer too so I cant exercise too well.

Any advice or reassurance would be greatly appreciated.


29-03-17, 16:39
Hi Jay and welcome to NMP :) I feel for you what a terrible existence for you. is thisthe only med(s) you are currently on? Let me get this right you have the fear of if you move a lot like talking a walk, then you will get a blood clot? I am so sorry mate :) what brought this on 4 months ago any ideas? Take care Cheers

29-03-17, 16:50
No. When I go anywhere I feel anxious. So I stay in bed all day and that's why I worry about blood clots.

Thanks for the welcome.

I dunno what caused my anxiety which is what makes it scary.

29-03-17, 16:59
I presume that you are not getting any therapy due to you not being able to get out?

Acceptance of anxiety and facing your fears is tough, but a way of beginning to manage it. You need to find this strength yourself, but is there anybody at home who can help?

29-03-17, 17:22
You described my lifestyle perfectly. I've been sitting on my bed doing nothing for years and I haven't had a blood clot yet. Maybe you should start by standing while watching tv or youtube and then go from there. Standing is 10x better than sitting down. They also make standing desks as well nowadays so people can work on their laptops on a desk while standing up.

29-03-17, 17:26
See I did do CBT but it wants very useful tbh.

My main issue is not doing anything and fearing blood clots. It sounds so stupid.

---------- Post added at 17:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:24 ----------

Megan.are you on meds or anything like that cos sertra made me so much better but in the last two weeks I took a step back.

29-03-17, 17:39
Hi all.

I've been an anxiety sufferer for about 4 months. I take 100mg sertraline but I have an issue.

I spend every day sitting in bed watching TV, YouTube or playing video games. With the odd movement for food of the toliet .

Because my anxiety is health related I constantly worry about getting a blood clot from this. I'm only 27 but the lack of mobility worries me but I can't bare the thought of moving. The slightest exertion makes me panic and I'm an eczema sufferer too so I cant exercise too well.

Any advice or reassurance would be greatly appreciated.


Sounds like a catch 22 to me :( The advice is obvious but words on a screen can't make you take action. Again, the dog sitting on a nail comes to mind.

A man goes to his friend's house and when he gets there, he notices the friend's dog is sitting hunched in the corner whimpering. He asks his friend what's wrong with the dog and his friend answers "He's sitting on a nail". "Why doesn't he just move?" the man asks. His friend answers "Because it doesn't hurt enough yet".

Positive thoughts

29-03-17, 18:26
Jay it's not stupid and very real for you right now so do understand!! Megan99 makes a very good point try standing up a bit in room and walk around for say 5 mins then gradually increase the time to 10 mins and so on. As for reassurance well you wont get blood clots from walking around take baby steps not easy I know this should help build you confidence up somewhat :) You said you tried CBT but take it didn't help much, how many sessions did you go to? The fact is you have been like this for only 4 months it will be easier to tackle these problems sooner than later if you follow :) Np on the welcome Jay. Cheers

29-03-17, 23:06
You could take baby steps to get more active. Like a yoga ball? You could bounce on it while doing whatever you want--like watching tv & playing video games. I know that's not ideal to helping you get out of the house, but it will help with your blood clot anxiety.

For getting out, I'd say just take baby steps. Walk a couple laps inside the house every 3-4 hours, then around the house, to the mailbox, around the block, etc. Eventually go in public but take baby steps. Therapy would be helpful as well.

31-03-17, 16:22
See I did do CBT but it wants very useful tbh.

My main issue is not doing anything and fearing blood clots. It sounds so stupid.

---------- Post added at 17:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:24 ----------

Megan.are you on meds or anything like that cos sertra made me so much better but in the last two weeks I took a step back.

Is there a reason you can't get out and work?

If you don't need to work for financial reasons, there are many, many organizations that are in desperate need of volunteers.

What's your passion? Animals? Kids? The poor?

My retired sister was going stir crazy being home, she loves to knit, joined a knitting group at her local library. They knit hats and blankets for premi babies.

Do something useful with yourself instead of sitting in bed all day.