View Full Version : Begging for advice or help.

29-03-17, 17:31
Hello, I'm not used to forums or asking for help so i apologise if this is not in the right place but i am in a bad situation and any help is appreciated.
Suffered from anxiety and depression for years, was always something i just accepted but the last few years have been particularly bad, not sure of reason, so i pushed for a referral which i am just back from.
The psychiatrist (psychologist?) diagnosis was of course anxiety but all that's happened is I've been put on an antidepressant I've previously been on.
I can see no way out of this and right now I'm sitting on my kitchen floor crying as i cant stand this and have no idea how i will cope.
I plan to see my GP in the morning and outright beg for something, even temporarily, to give me relief from this.

Please if anybody has been in a similar situation can you please tell me what you did and how you got through it as i have no clue anymore.

Thank you, Robert

up a ladder
29-03-17, 17:44
Hi Rob
I know the diagnosis was as expected, but at least you have that diagnosis and can start to look at ways to feel better. Were you on the meds at the time of the appointment or have you been on them before and come off?
These days there are a few online help sites and forums that have plenty of people who are either in or have managed their anxiety, so lots of good advice here.
I tend to see my GP far too regularly (at her request) and I find it helps to talk with her and manage my medication. I have just come off of Citalopram and am now on Sertraline.
I know how utterly hopeless it feels and how totally dibilitating it can be too. Remember there is support here.

29-03-17, 18:05
Hi, thanks for replying. I wasn't sure how forums work so I'm grateful you answered.
Yes I've always been on some form of antidepressant, more because it's what you're 'expected' to be taking plus i could always manage my anxiety and depression so it didn't hold me back too much. The last few years have got worse however and i feel like I'm clinging onto my life by the fingernails.
I used to switch every few years, never really expecting any different results as they all seemed the same.
The one I'm taking currently is fluoxetine 40mg and they've put me on Venlafaxine 37.5mg instead which i have been on previously but can't remember how i got on as they all seem the same.
I'm just so lost right now as it feels I'm falling apart and have ran out of options.
Again, thank you very much for answering, it is genuinely appreciated.

29-03-17, 18:08
Hey Rob,
I am sure it will pass. Maybe go back and see the Doc and ask to increase the meds gradually. Sometimes the meds make it worse before it gets better but it will get better. I found if I kept busy and distracted myself with lots of jobs I often forgot about it. I felt it more difficult when there was nothing to do. Something almost as simple as digging in the garden always worked for me and it got me out in the fresh air. Easy to say but try not to dwell on it and distract yourself.

You can do it and it will pass.

up a ladder
29-03-17, 18:38
Hey Rob,
I am sure it will pass. Maybe go back and see the Doc and ask to increase the meds gradually. Sometimes the meds make it worse before it gets better but it will get better. I found if I kept busy and distracted myself with lots of jobs I often forgot about it. I felt it more difficult when there was nothing to do. Something almost as simple as digging in the garden always worked for me and it got me out in the fresh air. Easy to say but try not to dwell on it and distract yourself.

You can do it and it will pass.

Hi Rob.
Some good advice there. I can be plodding away feeling like I am just going to fall to bits and a distraction lifts me right out of it. The act of keeping busy works too as I am sure you know if you are managing a spike rather than it being something new to you. You have managed yourself for the time you have had anxiety issues, so this is no different. You will manage this too.
It's not easy, a good proportion of the time I feel bad, but it is not constant and it will pass.
For me, I have had issues for 20 years and I managed to have a few years of "managed" and slight anxiety (planes and meetings away) but I was generally okay. My recent lapse has made me look at the latest therapies and advice and it all helps
Keep well

29-03-17, 19:25
HI Rob I have suffered from depression for over 30 years now so know how you feel. Been on many meds over the years my cocktail was Librium, Liagactil (that's spelt wrong) a good ole Valium eventually I decided to come off the meds some days are better than others though, I think looking at alternative therapies would help you such as CBT or counselling etc I also got to Changes Support Groups which do help but they aren't in many areas Bristol being one of them along with Burton and stoke on trent how ever they are launching Changes Radio very soon online may be that will help the MH Organisation uses a 12 step Programme in it's meetings and have helped me a lot but had 2 nasty colds so haven't been able to attend meetings for a few weeks. So tomorrow I will be going back need to get back in to it again fast :) Hey it will get better I promise Cheers

29-03-17, 19:50
Thank you again for the replies, yes that's good advice about keeping busy, it usually works for me as i find focusing on the anxiety only makes it worse.
However I'm in a bit of a state today, haven't been sleeping properly and i don't have the concentration or focus to do anything other than sit here until the worst of this passes for today.
I'll visit my GP in the morning, nothing will probably change but it's better for me to feel I'm trying then do nothing.
As much as i wouldn't wish this on anybody, it's comforting to know I'm not alone. Thank you.

29-03-17, 20:16
Thank you again for the replies, yes that's good advice about keeping busy, it usually works for me as i find focusing on the anxiety only makes it worse.
However I'm in a bit of a state today, haven't been sleeping properly and i don't have the concentration or focus to do anything other than sit here until the worst of this passes for today.
I'll visit my GP in the morning, nothing will probably change but it's better for me to feel I'm trying then do nothing.
As much as i wouldn't wish this on anybody, it's comforting to know I'm not alone. Thank you. Rob we all have bed days! Good luck with your Gp tomorrow nah be more positive on this, things can and will change I exactly had the same mind set as you do now.but it will pass :) and you deffo aren't alone on this ;) let us know how you get on tomorrow and hope you sleep better tonight Cheers

30-03-17, 07:24
Anxiety always has a cause and the symptoms are always created by what we're thinking, what we're worrying about - our fears.

Anxiety can surface due to a specific bad experience or it can be due to a gradual build up of stress so look at your situation and the past few years and ask yourself have you felt stressed by anything in particular. It could be stress at work, a panic that occurred without warning etc.

Then pretend you're your therapist asking you what is the first fear that you have that comes to mind, what thought or thoughts are worrying you, what is frightening you etc.

That frightening thought(s) will make you worry and that worry will make you anxious. The symptoms that worry (fear) creates may then cause more worries about your health which then makes you more anxious, keeping your anxiety alive.

In the end you create a cycle - stress - fear - worry - anxiety - symptoms - fear - worry - anxiety - symptoms etc. All it needs is a trigger such as a bad experience or a gradual build up of stresses to start the cycle.

So, ask yourself some questions and you'll have a better understanding what the causes are. Once you understand the causes, it'll help to ease your fears and you'll be able to work out a plan to cope with them.

It's basically the same for every sufferer. Just different triggers, different fears and different worries etc but the process and result is probably always the same.

With the right treatment together with the right attitude, it IS possible to learn to cope with anxious thoughts and their symptoms. I've learnt and so can you.

If you feel able, post more about you fears and worries because I'm sure we can all help you further.