View Full Version : Should I be in hospital?

29-03-17, 18:17
I am so confused and scared and don't know what to do anymore.

My mind is just full of horrible thoughts which I feel I actually believe.
Like I kind of believe that the people around me aren't real. I kind of believe that there is an outer me and an inner me. The person having all these thoughts who thinks he should be in hospital inside and then the guy moving around doing normal things on the outside.

I feel like there is another person in my brain that is causing me to act normally deep in the subconscience. None of the normal things I do feel like I am doing them. Like I feel like every word coming out should be about what im feeling.

I'm so lost. Help.

Catherine S
29-03-17, 20:12
You haven't given us much about yourself as in are you taking any medication, have you been in hospital before and whether you doctor thinks you should be in hospital right now. Nobody here is qualified to tell you that, only your doctor knows what's best for you so I would ask that question to him/her.