View Full Version : lump in the bottom

26-04-07, 13:26
hi all, i am panicing yet again, because when i was cleaning myself in the shower yesterday, i felt a quishy lump at the entrance to my auns, it hurts when touch it and can be uncomfortable when clench or strain, please please someone help me out here, all i can think of is cancer!

26-04-07, 13:42
I very much doubt it,i think it sounds more like a pile to me or even an abscess , go and see your doctor, they will check it to make sure it isnt an abscess, although this would probably be very painful, and if its a pile they can put your mind at ease and give you some ointment to help with it.
The probability of it being anything sinister is extremely low. ensuring you dont get constipated will help.

26-04-07, 13:57
Sounds like piles to me. Try one of the over-the-counter treatments (eg anusol) and it should shrink it. Plus soothes any discomfort.

I've had these on and off since having my children. I tend to suffer with constipation which doesn't help.

But if you're worried, get it checked out. I've had rectal examinations in the past year and they really aren't as bad as I thought they'd be. Over in seconds!

26-04-07, 14:31
Hello !
Go and see your GP - if its worrying you this much you need some medical reassurance. Don't be embarassed - the exam will be over in seconds and you will have some peace of mind. Go do it - now.
be kind to yourself

26-04-07, 14:37
If it is extremely painful and even worse to the touch, it could be a boil. These are very very painful and you may need antibiotics to help clear it up. Lots of people get these, they are very common. It is like a giant spot but it does not have a head. It will work through your system on it's own, if you can stand the pain and will eventually go or burst. You can get a tub of magnesium sulphate from the chemist for a couple of pound and this will draw it.
If this is a boil and you get more than one your gp may wish you to have a blood test.
Go to your gp and get checked out, either way you will be fine. And an ointment of some sort can sort it.
Let us know how you get on.

miss motown
26-04-07, 21:46
hemeroids ur piles deffinetly they are very painful get yourself some hemaroid cream that should ease the pain and it will shrink it aswell dont worry hun i often get them painful i no

26-04-07, 22:21
Yes, as a long-term sufferer (hey, 3 "normal" births later!) sounds like haemorrhoids, piles. Farmer's lol. Anusol or Preparation H will sort it (and don't be embarrassed buying it, I understand all the best models and actresses use it on their faces to smooth lines and dark circles under the eyes!)

And go and see your GP for reassurance, he/she will be able to confirm it.

take care :hugs:

27-04-07, 16:50
I just thought I would add DON'T PANIC if you notice some blood coming from down there. Piles can either subside or sometimes leak which can be very scary if you're not expecting it but you won't come to any harm. Sorry it sounds a bit horrible but I know how much it would scare me if I didn't know what was going on.