View Full Version : Twitching upper eyelid for 5 days now. Really scared.

29-03-17, 21:19
Has anyone had this? Usually it just goes away but I keep getting random sporadic twitches throughout the day. It's been doing it for about 5 days. I'm scared about MS as I have other symptoms that worry me too. Stupid Google. :(

29-03-17, 21:25
I had twitching in one eyelid on and off for like 4 or 6 months! No joke. I realized that it was worse when I was on the computer all day or very tired. Seems pretty common so I wouldn't worry.

29-03-17, 21:27
Thank you. It seems like every single symptom I ever worry about always comes up as MS. Its really difficult to not convince myself I have it. :(

29-03-17, 21:37
Thank you. It seems like every single symptom I ever worry about always comes up as MS. Its really difficult to not convince myself I have it. :(

MS was one of my first HA fears when I was in a real bad bout about 6 or 7 years ago. I went to a neurologist completely convinced as I had many of the symptoms of MS. He did the neuro checks, then sent me for an MRI which turned up completely clean. Nothing, nada. The radiologist even wrote on the MRI result that I had a perfectly symmetrical brain free from any abnormalities at all! :wacko: Well my HA brain is not normal because you would think that would have stopped my MS fears but it didn't for about a year after. Then eventually I let it go and attributed my symptoms more with migraines I was having which was even backed up by the Dr.

It's easier said than done and believe me I am having an affair nightly with Dr GOOGLE currently. It's nice to come on here and meet others who struggle in similar ways and support one another. Hang in there!! Stay away from Dr. Google, he's very convincing :roflmao:

29-03-17, 22:01
MS was one of my first HA fears when I was in a real bad bout about 6 or 7 years ago. I went to a neurologist completely convinced as I had many of the symptoms of MS. He did the neuro checks, then sent me for an MRI which turned up completely clean. Nothing, nada. The radiologist even wrote on the MRI result that I had a perfectly symmetrical brain free from any abnormalities at all! :wacko: Well my HA brain is not normal because you would think that would have stopped my MS fears but it didn't for about a year after. Then eventually I let it go and attributed my symptoms more with migraines I was having which was even backed up by the Dr.

It's easier said than done and believe me I am having an affair nightly with Dr GOOGLE currently. It's nice to come on here and meet others who struggle in similar ways and support one another. Hang in there!! Stay away from Dr. Google, he's very convincing :roflmao:

It's been my fear for about 4 years now. It's so hard isn't it? I also saw a neurologist and got a clean mri but in my head I'm like 'oh but what if it was too early' or whatever.

It's just awful. I have tingling in my left foot (been on and off for around 6 years now) and I get fatigue. And now this eye twitch. Brain fog and numbness and tingling in my back. But otherwise I don't really have that many symptoms. No balance issues. But I've read enough crap online to worry myself sick. I hate it.

Sorry you had to go through this too.

Can I ask what symptoms you had?

29-03-17, 22:35
It's been my fear for about 4 years now. It's so hard isn't it? I also saw a neurologist and got a clean mri but in my head I'm like 'oh but what if it was too early' or whatever.

It's just awful. I have tingling in my left foot (been on and off for around 6 years now) and I get fatigue. And now this eye twitch. Brain fog and numbness and tingling in my back. But otherwise I don't really have that many symptoms. No balance issues. But I've read enough crap online to worry myself sick. I hate it.

Sorry you had to go through this too.

Can I ask what symptoms you had?

Tingling, painful migraines, blurry vision, balance issues. Dr said all were due to migraines and sure enough when you read about migraines these are common symptoms. He said some people get migraines without a headache, just all the other symptoms. Of course anxiety can cause all the above symptoms as well :wacko:

29-03-17, 23:32
Yeah migraines do some crazy stuff! Glad you got some relief and everything!

I really hope this eye twitch stops soon. It's freaking me the heck out!!!

30-03-17, 00:05
I had a eyelid twitch for 3 months a few years ago. Computer use eye strain. I've got one again, been a few days very annoying but I spent the day watching TV to distract my HA on my day off..

30-03-17, 02:21
You do know that streas and anxiety causes twitching right ?

30-03-17, 02:24
I had one eyelid twitch for two weeks straight before. Then, once that one stopped, the other started. That was three years ago. I'm sure you're fine.

30-03-17, 02:56
Only 5?

30-03-17, 03:20
I wish I only had a twitching eyelid for just five days. Been twitching in my legs since October, now for months it has settled mostly into my left side. Left thumb is currently going crazy along with my legs (which have never ever stopped ever) and my tongue twitches, even places that should never twitch twitch DAILY. Plus I have family history of ALS. Eye twitching is never associated with anything malignant, but trust me I can understand how it could be annoying. Hope you feel better.

30-03-17, 12:06
I have had a left eyelid and cheek twitch for weeks.

30-03-17, 16:18
When my anxiety gets high, my eye lids twitch. The last time it happened it was on and off for like a week or more.

30-03-17, 17:07
Anxiety can cause twitching.


30-03-17, 17:29
Thanks everyone for your comforting words.

I feel like this fear of MS is taking over and ruining my life.

I honestly feel so incredibly low today.

My partner just stormed off because he's had this for the last 2 months everyday. And I can't say I blame him.

I feel so inadequate as a mother.

I don't know how to shake this fear :( it's depressing me.

My eyelid now feels sore too.

30-03-17, 21:01
The eye twitch can be because of stress, fatigue or too much coffee.

I get the quite often and have had it last for a couple of weeks. It can be upper or lower eyelids. Mine is normally upper but this past week I've had one on my lower left on and off ant it feels like my whole cheek is moving. It's clearly visible in the mirror.

Nothing to worry about!

30-03-17, 21:37
I have had an eyelid twitch in the past (lasted 6 weeks & twitched all day everyday) . I moved on to something else and it went away.

31-03-17, 11:46
Thanks so much, feeling more positive today about it :hugs:

31-03-17, 14:59
Twitching really isn't a symptom of MS lol

01-04-17, 14:56
Twitching really isn't a symptom of MS lol

Is it not?

01-04-17, 15:00
Is it not?

Nope. Where did you read it was?

Visual issues, dizziness, gait problems, spasticity, bladder issues, true muscle weakness, etc point towards MS, not twitches.

01-04-17, 15:24
I read a Dr's reply to someone asking about muscle twitching in the eye, he said in extremely rare cases it can point to neurological disorders such as MS. And also on a couple other various websites. They said it's very rare but obviously health anxiety listens to the 1% chance bit. It's so annoying.

That and I have a pretty consistently tingling buzzing in my left foot (had this for almost 7 years so again it would be rare for it to be anything but that doesn't stop my brain from over thinking it)

And I have a burning weird sensation across my back almost daily.

01-04-17, 22:18
people tend to fear ALS when they have twitches, but ALS is very rare, and twitches are normal, i get the eyelid twitches alot sometimes lasting like 3-4 days.

04-04-17, 23:19
people tend to fear ALS when they have twitches, but ALS is very rare, and twitches are normal, i get the eyelid twitches alot sometimes lasting like 3-4 days.

MS is a fear for me. The twitch disappeared for 2 days and I was over the moon. So thrilled. And today it's back again. :(

05-04-17, 13:48
I've beat your twitching streak by a few weeks. I've had one for 3 weeks before and they are completely harmless. I spoke to my optician about it around the time I was having eye problems and they made me feel great by dismissing it saying don't worry about it - they don't worry about them either.

It's either stress related/the fact that you're thinking about twitching - I can feel my one ready to go just thinking about it/too much screen time or a mixture of all of those things.

The key is to not worry about it (easier said than done, but hey - it's a completely harmless thing!).

05-04-17, 14:31
I've beat your twitching streak by a few weeks. I've had one for 3 weeks before and they are completely harmless. I spoke to my optician about it around the time I was having eye problems and they made me feel great by dismissing it saying don't worry about it - they don't worry about them either.

It's either stress related/the fact that you're thinking about twitching - I can feel my one ready to go just thinking about it/too much screen time or a mixture of all of those things.

The key is to not worry about it (easier said than done, but hey - it's a completely harmless thing!).

Thanks for your reply. Definitely good advice. It's so frustrating because I felt so happy when it went and now its back I can't stop feeling anxious and worrying I'm the 'rare case' where an eye twitch suggests something more sinister. I wish I could best this health anxiety but it just seems to take over my life.

I read something useful that said because eye twitches are so common, there is no way to say they suggest a symptom of MS or parkinsons, because basically everyone gets them. So you could say that an eye twitch happens when you have cancer- because it probably will but it's not the cancer that is causing it. Does that make sense?

05-04-17, 14:55
I've had eyelid twitching before too. It is from stress! The more you imagine you have a terrible disease it won't go away. Just try and take your mind off of your troubles! Yeah easy right? It is from stress, have you tried meditating? Take walks in the woods or the beach, do something that relaxes you.

05-04-17, 19:00
Thanks guys. Really appreciate your replies! I know you're all right and the more I focus on it the more it's likely to stay around.

Are there any other tips that helped? And how long did it take for yours to subside?