View Full Version : Another mole removal after 'active' mole removed just last year.

29-03-17, 23:29
It's me again with yet again something else to be fearful over.

Last year I had a mole on my stomach looking kinda weird. It just seemed off to me, finally freaked and ran to the doctors who sent me to hospital. A dermatologist saw me and looked at it, sat me down and said there is no way to confirm cancer just by looking at it and that it could be, in which case a large section of skin would be removed and possibly would have to graft. Really scared me. Not good.

It came back as being 'active' but hadn't turned thank goodness. I've got a scar left from where they did the excisional biopsy.

Now I've thought another mole was looking weird. It's like the colour of it is spilling out into the skin around it, which is what happened last time. I showed a dermatologist and she said she wanted it off and now I have an appointment for a removal of the mole and skin around it for biopsy next early next month.

So I'm hoping it's just active and not turned bad. I'm scared about it, and I'm tired of being scared about health related things.:frown:

Seriously it's sapping my energy and I just can't switch this health anxiety off. I'm really struggling to cope with it all.

29-03-17, 23:55
Sounds precautionary to me. If there is even the slightest doubt they prefer to have them removed. My derm had exactly the same reaction, wanted it removed asap. Looked just like a melanoma but turned out to be a freckle.
I have another similar "mole" on the side of my head but I'm not worried about it at all. It's not altered in size or shape for the past couple of years. I am more careful in the sun nowadays mind you!
Don't forget that melanoma is perfectly treatable if caught early. I know personally of two people who have had it and both are perfectly fine with no recurrences for over 5 years.
I know it's hard but try not to worry too much. If anything look on the positive, it means you are being looked after and if it does turn out to be anything nasty they can get rid of it before it becomes a problem.

30-03-17, 00:51
I have had so many removed. The first one I had was moderately atypical and looked like melanoma. Scared the crap out of me. I was 21 at the time. Just two years ago took another one off and my was mildly atypical. And last summer had a biopsy of a birthmark as it had gotten darker. Also one off my chest. Both okay. I know it's stressful. It's better to just have it looked at better safe than sorry. It's prob fine. Atypical is not cancer but just precancerous kind of

---------- Post added at 19:51 ---------- Previous post was at 19:50 ----------

I'm 42 now by the way and slather myself with spf 100'akxnhats and go to my derm twice yearly.