View Full Version : Pain--normal or sinister?

29-03-17, 23:38
How can you distinguish muscular pain from internal or sinister pain? I've been having some neck/shoulder blade/arm pain and I'm not sure how to tell. I can't pinpoint where the pain is coming from exactly but it hurts when I move my neck or arm. I've been lightly pressing to see where it's coming from, but I'm not able to recreate the pain.

Also, looking up neck pain was such a stupid idea because hello meningitis! Now I'm getting a headache and freaking out. I was fine when I woke up, but a couple minutes later the pain hit and it has been here all day. I had this a week ago on the opposite side with a fever and it ended up needing antibiotics. Now I'm fearing cancer because it may be a cold/fever reoccurring and that's a bad sign :(

30-03-17, 12:02
I think because it hurts when you move it is more likely to be muscular. It could be something as simple as lying the wrong way in bed. I've had neck pain & headache from tension/stress & posture before. Meningitis would make you ill quickly & you would have aversion to bright lights, sickness among other things. I think it sounds muscular but H/A always has us fear the worst, ah the joys! I would just see how it goes, take care xx

31-03-17, 02:09
Thanks for responding! I'm not sure if it's normal pregnancy pains or just my whole body being tense from worrying? I'm wondering if a pregnancy pillow would benefit me or not? I just know that I need a really good pillow for neck support but I can't find one. If I sleep without supporting my neck or with my chin tucked in I'll wake up with a headache :/

31-03-17, 09:18
A good pillow could help, I remember freaking a while ago because I kept getting woken by pins & needles in my hand on the side I was lying on. I got a better supportive pillow & not had it since. I lost count of how many pillows I needed to stop hurting & feel comfortable at night when I was expecting! xx

03-04-17, 08:14
Meningitis is more along the lines of stiffness, like when you crack your neck wrong and it freezes.

I dont think it is muscular nor sinister, I think you have a pinched nerve in your spine, probably in your neck. Seeing as pressing does not initiate pain but movement does, im willing to bet the farm lol.

Cancer? No...it's just not lol.

04-04-17, 01:33
Meningitis is more along the lines of stiffness, like when you crack your neck wrong and it freezes.

I dont think it is muscular nor sinister, I think you have a pinched nerve in your spine, probably in your neck. Seeing as pressing does not initiate pain but movement does, im willing to bet the farm lol.

Cancer? No...it's just not lol.

Will a pinched nerve ever heal on its own? I've been in pain in this location for a couple years, but it seems to be getting worse now. I'm sure my awful posture isn't helping--thanks scoliosis haha.

02-05-17, 21:47
Will a pinched nerve ever heal on its own? I've been in pain in this location for a couple years, but it seems to be getting worse now. I'm sure my awful posture isn't helping--thanks scoliosis haha.
My husband has severe scoliosis which manifests as excruciating nerve pain. He has to get the nerve associated, cauterized so to speak, every few years. The procedure takes maybe 5-10 min and is much less painful than those shots. If you have a pinched nerve due to compression or scoliosis, it will not get better on its own, in fact, worse, but maintenance is key.