View Full Version : A Brief Farewell To All!!!!!!!!!

26-04-07, 14:38
:hugs: :hugs: :flowers:

Hiya everyone!! this is not an easy post to write, but for now its times for me say a brief farewell to each and everyone of you.

As most of you know, I am really concentrating on writing articles, and I have never had this passion before to pursue this until recently.

The whole world of publishing is new to me and some of the language is gobbly gook:D but I am learning!!!!!

For those of you who have kindly read my posts, thank you very much and also for your valued feedback!!!!!

I hope I have shed some understanding on the affects of anxiety. I understand my posts have been very thought provoking, but I dont think that is a bad thing. It has always been my style of writing.

Piglet thanks hon for sharing my work here, without this wonderful site it could never have happened. :hugs: :flowers:

Nic , I think you know how much I am proud of you for starting this site in the first place with the help and support of your team admins.:hugs: :flowers:

Rose hon, I emailed you yesterday, and your words, ' believe in yourself' with my writing, is still ringing in my ears!!! as I am nervous as hell but also excited!!!!!!:D :flowers:

I will come back from time to time to let you know how I am doing, the process is slow , but I am determined not give up when the going gets tough for me!!!!!!!!!

Once again, thank you all for your kindness and support, wishing you all well in your continued recovery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love always. Sky!!!!!:yesyes:

26-04-07, 16:38
Best of luck to you,keep in touch:yesyes: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

26-04-07, 16:42
You will be in my thoughts Sky.

:read: :read: :read:

Luv Darkangel x

26-04-07, 16:44
Wishing you all the luck in the world :yesyes:

Let us know how you get on :D


Trac xx

Pink Princess
26-04-07, 16:45
:hugs::hugs: minnie will be sad to see you go but please keep in touch and let me know how you are getting on xxx

wishing you lots of hope xxxxxxxx

good luck and take kare xxxx


love minnie xxxx

Granny Primark
26-04-07, 16:49
Good luck!!!!:yesyes:
Hope everything works out for you.
Please let us know how you are doing.:D

Take care

26-04-07, 16:49
Well obviously you already know what I think!! :yesyes:

All the best mate and do try and pop back if you get chance to let us know how it's going. Meanwhile we'll keep your place warm! :D

Piglet :flowers:

26-04-07, 16:50
Bye Sky you will be missed, wishing you all the luck in the world, hope everything goes well for you.

Luv Barb xxx

26-04-07, 18:17
Good Luck Sky!

With your talent im sure you will go far:yesyes: :yesyes:

Keep in touch wont you hun!


26-04-07, 18:18
Bye Sky and all the best in your new adventure. Thanks for sharing your work with us I for one truly enjoyed it. xx

26-04-07, 18:43
all the best to you sky.
yhank you for sharing your writings wtih us.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

26-04-07, 18:48
Hi Sky,

You know I thought your work was great and I'm sad to see you go, but I wish you all the luck in the world with your new venture. I'm sure you'll be a great success. Hope you can pop back from time to time to let us know how you're doing.

luv Coni XX

26-04-07, 20:18

Don't stay away for long please!!!

I am looking at getting your posts integrated on the website somewhere as well.

Thanks for them all

Take care :hugs: :hugs:

26-04-07, 20:39
Bye Sky and good luck. I do hope you come back from time to time.


Laura :)

27-04-07, 10:02
Oh Sky my friend,so sad to seee you go:weep: hey why not still post your articles and we can be your kind of practice critics??????Just from time to time you know?As we know your writing and it helps so much,reading what you have to say!Just an idea..the feedback could help you tooooo:D Will e-mail you later any hoo Sky.Gosh what an exciting journey you are embarking on..ABOUT TIME:D love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

27-04-07, 11:01

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Thank you very much everyone for your kind support!!!! dont worry I will post from time to time!!:D

Piglet if I do get writers Block, I am coming here for a good old kick up the .............................:D and encouragement, God knows I am gonna need it when things get tough!!!! Rose will email you hon!!!

lots of love always Sky!!!:flowers:

27-04-07, 11:02
http://www.wondercliparts.com/good_luck/graphics/good_luck_06.gif (http://www.wondercliparts.com/good_luck/good_luck_graphics_06.shtml)
Sky I hope it all works out hun,

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X

27-04-07, 11:39
Bye Sky and good luck.

love Sandy xxx

29-04-07, 20:33

Go do your thing and be happy whilst you do it all the best


30-04-07, 18:23
oh SKY , youve made me cry :weep: .....why do you have to go ?

I got your private message today and was sad to read your leaving but I know you wont stay away for too long :hugs: , your one of us :yesyes: .

take care of yourself and keep us informed :flowers:

02-05-07, 12:45
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hiya all just to let you know how I am doing!!!

firstly thanks everyone for your support!!!:hugs: Mirry hope your well hon!!! :hugs:

Well I have been researching authors, publishers, you name it, phew this writing thing is hard work!!! but I am enjoying it very much. I was thinking the other day about lost opportunities and I guess this is my time now to live the dreams I want to make!!! ok I dont think its too ambitious for me to write, as it is a love of mine, and the old saying is, do what you love and think your good at!!!:winks: I do have my feet firmly on the ground, as I know the road is tough, but thats the challenge isnt it?!!!:D

I have found some very good online sites, and hoping to join the local writing group!!! I also got some info about copywrite stuff, and its not as expensive as I thought, so many of my articles and poetry I shall have them protected as I have learnt never to send anything off to anyone without first protecting my work.

I went out and bought the writing magazine!!! so I am brushing up my skills!!!!

One of the main things I am learning about writing is researching the market for my kind of writing, and their are so many authors out there. I have found that amazon is a great place for me to see inside some of the books I am researching and Piglet I have been amazed at L. Hays books!!! I know this sounds silly, but her philosphy in thinking and her aproach to healing, is so similar to my own beliefs!!!!!

If you never mentioned her name to me, I would never have researched her!!! Thanks hon:hugs:

So , so far, I am enjoying my writing, and taking my time!!!! to learn and not putting any pressure on myself. I have notes everywhere!!! as my ideas are becoming clearer. I have also been looking into self publishing, but this is just a idea floating around in my head, another way to test out the market I guess. I found a really lovely site, that can produce slim books of poetry to give to friends and family for xmas!!! I thought this was a lovely idea and one I shall be looking into before xmas!!!! so there is a lot going on for me at the moment but its all good stuff!!!:hugs:

Oh and Mirry hon!!!! the NMP BOOKLET IS A BRILLIANT IDEA!!!! I have written a short article, see what you folks think and Nic if it is useful please feel free to use it!!!!!:hugs:

and Rose honey!!!! I want to hear you sing and play one day!!!!! follow your dreams hon!!!! get creative!!!!:D :hugs:
Love always Sky:hugs:

02-05-07, 12:50
and Piglet I have been amazed at L. Hays books!!! I know this sounds silly, but her philosphy in thinking and her aproach to healing, is so similar to my own beliefs!!!!!

Yes I agree with that hun and also did you know that she opened her own publishing house to give others authors a chance to publish too. I think it is called Hay House or something - maybe when you have an article ready you could submit it to her publishing house to see what they think????

Lovely to hear from you sausage.

Piglet :flowers:

02-05-07, 12:55
Oh Sky,how lovely to se you here:hugs: and well done for all you are achieving.You are so right ,we must try and follow our dreams ,i too,one day hope to have the courage to do this:flowers: I feel all lost today,horrid feeling:weep: Still ,always tommorrow:) God Bless you in all you do,Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxx