View Full Version : lump on shin bone.

30-03-17, 14:30

can anyone help me out here,

I have just noticed a lump on my shin bone where i have a red spot , i'm unsure if its a lump caused by the spot or on the shin itself , which got me worried about bone cancer, I have had a bit of stiffness in my left leg the last week or so but nothing too painful.

should i be worried ? or see a doc ?

Gary A
30-03-17, 14:52
It's probably due to the spot, but you should always see a doctor for confirmation.

30-03-17, 16:18
Is the red spot a bruise? If so it could be a bruise in the tissue below it. This has happened to me. Sort of like a hematoma under the skin.

30-03-17, 21:33
Hi thanks for replies , it's a red kinda spot and it Defo bumps out a bit but I wouldn't say it's a bruise as it's not sore to touch but kinda itchy at times