View Full Version : Payment protection insurance

26-04-07, 15:38
It's so hard to deal with stuff, pick up the phone etc, but today I tried really hard - requested claim forms from AmEx re credit card and Abbey re mortgage - seemed straightforward, GP needs to complete a section. Spoke to tax credits re reducing payments to them for their overpayments to me :huh:, but again seems doable, need to call back with income/outgoings details. Wrote letter to boss who wants to see me Tuesday agreeing to be there if I can face leaving the house. So far so good.

Phoned Virgin re Payment Protection insurance for credit card, requesting a claim form. Dismissed out of hand. No "ok have a form, submit it and we'll consider it". Simply NO "you can't have a claim form".:mad:

Apparently, if one has a "mental health condition" (which includes agoraphobia, anxiety, panic disorder etc) your GP is not qualified to sign you off work, it has to be a consultant psychiatrist! Well, I don't know how mental health services are where you are, but here in North Wales the Community Mental Health Team is the gatekeeper to all services. They (eventually) see you for assessment and then discuss you at a team meeting and then allocate you to the appropriate person - social worker, CPN, alcohol counsellor etc. It is highly unlikely that you would be referred to and see a psychiatrist unless you are psychotic and a danger to others (in which case maybe you'd have been arrested and sectioned anyway).

So what do I do now? I am angry at this lack of understanding - surely whether I have a "neurosis" and see a counsellor, a bad back and see my GP or am an axe wielding maniac makes no financial difference? - I'm off sick from work on SSP and I can't afford to meet the card repayments for the foreseeable future.:shrug:
:wacko: Of course, if I wasn't agoraphobic, I could go out wielding an axe and get arrested and thus see a psychiatrist:wacko:

Any advice/experience of this?

26-04-07, 17:05
Hi there. Sorry to hear you're having a bad time with them. Typical to make things as hard as possible to claim! But also interesting that some people/companies can make it easier...

I haven't had experience of this. I've been lucky in some ways this time in that I am still able to work and have a really understanding boss. just knowing that he understanding means I feel less trapped and so not as anxious as otherwise.

I have no idea at all why it can't be a GP to sign you off. Its ridiculous! I do wish you lots of luck and the strength to see this through and give them what for. Don't let them put you off. :hugs:

26-04-07, 19:45

I have never heard the likes before! Doctors here in scotland can sign you off work for mental health problems. If we all had to go to different people for different ailments then the doctors surgeries, hospitals etc would be chaos!! it's ridiculous!!

If i was you, i would contact your local C.A.B and ask if this system is legal as your GP's work should be law when it comes to your health.

Take care
