View Full Version : Still convinced I have LC!

30-03-17, 16:35
So after a clear chest xray last year and 10 days ago the breathing is no better & I am still coughing, the tickle in my throat is so annoying that is actually provoking this stupid cough, my throat feels tight and the cold air sensation when I breathe in scratching my throat is driving me insane! I am using my inhaler that I was given, sometimes it takes the tightness away and the tickle and some days it does nothing!

I am now scared the xray's have not picked LC up (so many stories of this happening) and I need a chest CT scan! I have a spirometry and reversibility test on April 21st but feels like I cannot wait till then.

The GP has increased my citralopram to 20 mg but I am very concerned with my throat or chest not sure which one and where this is all coming from!


30-03-17, 22:55
Maybe something else is irritating your throat. Things like certain allergies can give you a cough. Your xray was clear, if something was there they would have seen it. Take care xx

30-03-17, 23:06
An X-Ray can fail to spot lung cancer but it still picks up things that need further testing. My GF's mum was picked up straight away as having masses in her lungs that should not be there but it took further testing to determine it was lung cancer.

And within a couple of months of the onset of symptoms, she had spent time in hospital and went from a healthy outdoor walker to struggling to climb the stairs more than once a day.

It's a very aggressive cancer, Kay. By now, based on having symptoms, I think you would be extremely ill.

It's interesting that your GP is increasing your Cit because <20mg is a sub minimal therapeutic dose. So, you may notice improvements soon.

31-03-17, 02:51
I apologize if I misunderstood your post, but if it's mainly throat related with the coughing and irritation, is it possible that it could be vocal cord dysfunction? I have VCD and my causes are reflux and anxiety. I'm always experiencing those symptoms plus shortness of breath. Speech therapy is supposed to be the most beneficial thing along with treating the underlying issues.

I'm not saying you have this, but if all the lung tests come back fine it might be worth looking into. I will say that after I have a VCD attack my chest feels "funny", and then I begin freaking out.

31-03-17, 10:02
Hi all

Thank you for the replies - this is throat related, my chest does not feel tight or hurt when I breathe the breathing issue is from my throat as weird as this may seem, it seems blocked in my throat and the scratch is in my throat - the cold air sensation when I breathe in is relentless - this has been going on since last year Feb/Mar time.

I will go for the lung function tests and see where we go from there! When I eat the sensation goes, been eating so much lately with no smoking and worrying...