View Full Version : Panic attack triggered off by completely blocked nose

30-03-17, 16:42
I just had my first panic attack last Tuesday. I woke up with a completely blocked nose out of the blue (the insides of my nose were so swollen they couldn't let any air pass through). Immediately I started panicking, my heart was racing, my entire body felt this terrible adrenalin rush and I felt like I was being smothered. I tried to breathe through my mouth, but I still felt like i couldnt breathe. The attacks continued until I saw a specialist about my nose, but even after that i've felt attacks coming on (i took lorazepam to get rid of them, and now i've just switched to diazepam). I'm scared the allergic rhinitis will come back once the course of medicine is over and make me get another panic attack.
I have other psychiatric issues but this is the worst experience i've ever had in my whole life. Would love to hear from anyone with any advice/suggestions,