View Full Version : why don't i feel any less anxious?

30-03-17, 16:45
I've been on citalopram for 4 weeks- starting off at .5, then, 10MG for a week, then 15 MG for a week, now 20MG for 10 days. The psychiatrist also gave me Klonopin, which isn't doing much for my anxiety. I take it three times a day. Yesterday, I had to take a Xanax on top of that just to curb the anxiousness. I need some advice here. Today is my first day back to work after a 5 week medical leave (due to panic disorder).

30-03-17, 21:51
I've been on citalopram for 4 weeks- starting off at .5, then, 10MG for a week, then 15 MG for a week, now 20MG for 10 days.

Therefore you've only been on a therapeutic dose for 10 days. Antidepressants typically take 3-12 weeks to kick-in from when a therapeutic dose is first taken.

The psychiatrist also gave me Klonopin, which isn't doing much for my anxiety. I take it three times a day. Yesterday, I had to take a Xanax on top of that just to curb the anxiousness. I need some advice here. Today is my first day back to work after a 5 week medical leave (due to panic disorder).

I appears your Klonopin dose is inadequate. Your may also be experiencing heightened anxiety because the last citalopram dose increase pushed serotonin activity into your trigger zone. This should begin diminishing soon as the brain adapts by reducing serotonin synthesis and expression. There may also have been added anticipatory anxiety yesterday ahead of the imminent return to work.

Unfortunately, antidepressants are not a fast solution. They take time to work and will often make anxiety worse initially so patience and some fortitude are required. But for most the results are usually worth the wait.

30-03-17, 22:33
Ok, thanks. I didn't realize that 20 is the therapeutic dose. I really hope it's worth the wait. My panic and anxiety are out of control. I will talk to the doctor about my Klonopin dose. Thank you.

24-04-17, 21:17
Do u feel any better?

24-04-17, 22:19
Nope. Still feeling anxious, but the extra dose of Klonopin is helping to curb that.