View Full Version : Is There Actually A Cure? Fed Up Searching

26-04-07, 15:38
Is there a cure? I'm fed up actually searching and reading and all the rest. You name it i've done it CBT,Meds,Claire Weekes Books,Linden Method,Lucinda Bassette, all full off false promises, none more so than the Linden Method and Lucinda Bassett.

Sure the panic attacks are gone but its the fearful fealings,silly thoughts and all the rest thats worst.

I would say yes all these methods will cure panic attacks, but for Generalized anxiety there doesn't seem to be a cure, if there is I haven't came across it in my 10 or so years suffering

jude uk
26-04-07, 16:01
I think that some people are more prone to anxiety than others and it may be that there is no over-all cure but through time and understanding it does get better. I cant speak for the above people (Linden and bassett) as I've never tried or heard much about them. The person that can cure you is you..Its a simple answer to a complex problem but other people can only do so much and then we need to take it forward...Yea at times its very difficult and at times I fail and fall on my face but I think positive and try to build on all the good moments..Believe me I am sure everyone gets depressed with anxiety and would LOVE a "normal" life
I think on this site you will find people that do understand how you feel where you've been and they will give you TONS of support.
10 years well you are now a full member of the survivors club and thats what we all are survivors who sometimes fall but we WILL get back up and move forward.

27-04-07, 11:08
I agree, I don't think there necessarily is a cure. I also think that the relentless search for a cure is part of the illness, I think many of us with GAD share a personality trait where we don't like not being in control so we always have to search for a way to regain it. Although I've not tried all the methods, I have spent waaay too much time and energy researching my condition and trying to get to grips with what it is and what it means for me, and I do this with everything in my life. Sometimes I feel like some kind of knowledge junkie!

27-04-07, 11:41
Sorry to put the downer on it but I've been told I'll have it all my life. Its ways of controlling the symptoms that we need to work on and facing our anxieties as best we can.

27-04-07, 11:42
I agree too. I really think some of us are just born predisposed to anxiety and it's something we have to learn to live with. I can remember from a very early age of only about 6 feeling anxious about certain things but I just assumed everyone worried the way I did.

Having said that I do also know of a few people who have had years of panic disorder and agoraphobia and are now totally cured, so for some people I think there is a cure, but perhaps it depends on what exactly is causing the anxiety. If your brain is just hardwired to be anxious perhaps there is no way of really changing that.

27-04-07, 17:52
I think I was born with it to tell you the truth and I believe it runs in families and is genetic. I think personally with GAD it doesn't come out of the blue like panic attacks sometimes can do. I agree with the statements that we have to learn to live with it and learn how to let go of the control issue. To meet me you would never think I was a control freak because I'm so passive but before meds I was OCD regarding my home being clean. I also was terrified of flying, still am, but I can now do it. Am I cured, no. Am I living more, yes.

Laura :)

28-04-07, 04:27
I really don't know if there is a "cure" as such but there certainly are ways to cope.In 12 mths I went from a wreck that was too afraid to get out of bed to retraining myself and working very successfully in a well paid new career.
As far as causes - I don't think we're born with it.I think it's a buildup of the traumatic events we've encountered throughout our lives.
I didn't have my first panic attack til the age of 50 when my son was killed.
Phill :shades:

PS Lexapro (Cipralex) is a HUGE help.

28-04-07, 17:03
I don't think there's a cure. I too believe it's something that runs in families and some people are more capable of coping with it than others. It took me many years to find a solution and it's this: understanding leads to control. You need to gain control of this condition in order to learn how to live with it. It has worked for me 100%. Please read the notes I've made on my recovery under "Success Stories"

28-04-07, 18:42
It is true that the road to recovery lies within you, and I say that as someone who appears to be drowning in anxiety. By that I mean it is all my life seems to consist of. I want to make a step towards being involved in an activity that gives me one step into the normal world once again.

I'm a bit sceptical about how much I can recover, but I do believe I can make a big change to my life. I refused to join my class on the first day of school and 48 years later I don't see myself as one to invite 50 people to any future birthday party! I've always had difficulties making friends, but know I can have a few. I see no reason why I can't get back a few basics in my life like the ability to get out and about, get some kind of job, have a circle of real friends and have a special lady in my life.

I've gotta keep the dream alive!

28-04-07, 23:38
I personally know that I will never be "cured" and return back to how I was some 25 years ago. BUT, I am learning to live with the anxiety, to accept it and not get totally bogged down by it all.

The secret is to keep plodding on, keep moving forward, with little tiny steps mostly!, to enjoy days when the anxiety is only at 70% instead of 99% and to have a little faith in your ability to cope more than you think you can :D

Here endeth the first lesson :shades:
