View Full Version : Updated on my mental illness

30-03-17, 22:05
So I am back to work after a 4 week long intensive outpatient program for mental illnesses. I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia.

The psychiatrist prescribed Celexa AND Klonopin which I have been taking for about 3 1/2 weeks or so. I don't find the Celexa helping at all.

I have another week of wearing my event monitor. I have pressed the button a handful of times and each time the recordings get analyzing and sent to my doctor/or staff. No one has ever called me back. I had an event of which I think were skipped beats/PVC's that left me flushed in the face a few days ago. I pushed the button several times to get the recording sent and no one called me. Keep in mind, they said they I would get a call if it was something very important/concerning/go to the hospital type of thing. I called them afterwards to make sure they captured my recording and they said yes, we faxed the recording over to your doctor. Nothing else was said.

So I have panic disorder and REALLY hate the long episodes of PVC's and am desperately waiting for the Celexa to kick in. Can anyone relate? Any advice for me. I live in fear of the next palpitation. If I scare myself over a PVC, i'll just trigger more and I don't want that!

31-03-17, 01:01
Ultimately, it's going to be about removing fear from the equation. While fear is present, symptoms will be present. The more fear you inject, the worse the symptoms will seem. You'll have to challenge your fears of the symptoms before you can be free of them.

How do you do this? Well, medication is one option, and you're trying that. Other than that, it has to be therapy. You'll need to get some help to work on challenging these fears. Whatever you do, you need to challenge every scary thought about these symptoms. You need to bring some rationality to the situation. This isn't easy, but it can be done.

31-03-17, 17:10
I have my therapy appointment in two weeks and and at that point I'll have to return the event monitor . I'm actually dreading sending it back in case something happens After that. I cannot keep living in fear.

31-03-17, 17:46
I have my therapy appointment in two weeks and and at that point I'll have to return the event monitor . I'm actually dreading sending it back in case something happens After that. I cannot keep living in fear.

I really commend you for sharing your story and getting treatment. I've been really worried lately that I'm headed down that road but at the same time I just can't do that right now because I'm finishing a nursing program and graduate in May. Can I ask how you decided to do an inpatient treatment program? Do some people do outpatient or a more short term in patient? I know it probably depends on where you live and other factors but I was just curious.

31-03-17, 18:43
Insurance does cover the program, so you can either do two things--- call around to local hospitals to see if they have a behavioral health program, OR, you can schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist to see if they recommend a specific program for you. I live in Illinois and was able to find a local hospital that has an in patient and outpatient program. Feel free to PM if you need any other info.