View Full Version : Strange feeling in chest and stomach

30-03-17, 22:27
I was walking to my class in school and I started to have a little anxiety and then it turned into like a huge panic attack or something. I felt like my body was being pushed and my chest and stomach felt like I was on a roller coaster. I'm sort of scared it's a simple partial seizure because it says you feel a rising sensation in stomach and I felt that.

31-03-17, 00:57
What says that? Google? So you've done this to yourself by looking up some vague sensations on the internet and then latched onto whatever terrifying result Google throws up, even though benign reasons are far more likely.

Sorry if that sounds harsh. Sometimes, when plainly stated, the rational truth does sound harsh. I don't meant to upset you or anything. At the end of the day, nobody here can tell you what those feelings were. We can't even properly understand what they were - they sound very subjective. But going by the fact you're alive and conscious and seemingly physically fine and posting on an anxiety forum and have anxiety, I know what I'd lean towards as an explanation.

31-03-17, 01:06
So, your saying you think it's anxiety?

31-03-17, 01:30
So, your saying you think it's anxiety?

Absolutely agree with SE ;)

Positive thoughts