View Full Version : Appendicitis fear again.

Clydesdale Epona
31-03-17, 01:21
For the past 4 weeks my side pain hasn't let up and I've actually managed to adjust to it without fixating, unfortunately though for the past few hours I've had a pain in my right side that only really hurts bad when I move, everytime I move around its sharp for a brief second exactly like a stitch, more in the back actually, overall its a weird ningling ache and only gets particularly painful when I move, but I can't help but assume the worst x :weep:

All the best :hugs:

31-03-17, 01:34
Appendicitis fear again. is exactly what it is... a fear. You wouldn't be posting with appendicitis.

Positive thoughts

31-03-17, 18:41
You would know if it's appendicitis by now, I've had it and mine burst due to waiting long for operation, however the pain will knock you about on the first day of getting it to an unbearable state.

31-03-17, 19:32
Judging by the fact that it seems to be in your side and back (appendicitis begins around the belly button before radiating down to the lower right side of your belly, along with a loss of appetite, complete lack of any bowel movement right down to your stomach gurgling at all, vomiting and a very high fever) and the fact that it happens when you move, it sounds like you've pulled one of your back muscles - maybe an external oblique muscle? Either way, this sounds nothing like appendicitis. :) As someone who also suffers with a nasty phobia of that condition I know how horrible it is to be scared that you might have it, but in this case I'm almost 100% certain that you're fine other than a bad muscle twinge.

Clydesdale Epona
31-03-17, 20:29
Thanks everyone :)
Its still kinda painful today and off and on but I know with the amount of hours it been I'm likely in the clear x judging by how its developed I'm torn between muscle or IBS but either way I'm a little calmer now, thanks again and sorry for this, I've been doing pretty well lately but having a bit of a rough patch x

All the best :hugs:

31-03-17, 22:34
I've had this so many times! Do you have a desk job where you sit most of the day? That could be causing a stitch in your side.

Clydesdale Epona
31-03-17, 23:39
I don't have a desk job but in my free time during the week I do spend a lot of time laid on my stomach or cross legged on my bed while using a laptop x

All the best :hugs:

Clydesdale Epona
02-04-17, 20:11
I'm stupidly fixating on it again because it hurts kinda sharply in my lower right side just above my hip, only when I move or bend so I'm not sure if its a pulled muscle, water infection or because that time of the month is due but I can't get it out of my head for some reason :weep: Its been two hours and I've haven't gotten a fever or anything yet so I'm guessing its probably okay? x

04-04-17, 02:07
Hopefully it's gotten better for you by now; if you're worried at all, maybe talk to a doctor just to get reassurance, but if there was no fever with this then I don't think you have anything to worry about. :) Right side pain can happen for many reasons - it could be a pulled muscle, IBS, or plenty of other benign reasons. Either way, make an appointment with your doctor, and if you mention lower right side pain they'll naturally go through all of the checks to make sure it's not appendicitis. They'll know exactly what to look out for, too, so you'll be in the safest possible hands, and if it's muscular then they'll be able to give you some advice for managing it and helping it heal properly. :) Good luck, and I hope you feel better!

Clydesdale Epona
04-04-17, 21:49
Hopefully it's gotten better for you by now; if you're worried at all, maybe talk to a doctor just to get reassurance, but if there was no fever with this then I don't think you have anything to worry about. :) Right side pain can happen for many reasons - it could be a pulled muscle, IBS, or plenty of other benign reasons. Either way, make an appointment with your doctor, and if you mention lower right side pain they'll naturally go through all of the checks to make sure it's not appendicitis. They'll know exactly what to look out for, too, so you'll be in the safest possible hands, and if it's muscular then they'll be able to give you some advice for managing it and helping it heal properly. :) Good luck, and I hope you feel better!
Thank you! x its not as bad tonight but my stomach is pretty bloated,
i've had it for two years now but it's usually off and on unlike this time which has been for 4 weeks now, anytime i get to the doctors i get sent to the hospital for a blood test to rule out my appendix and they leave it at that, i find it hard to sleep with the pain and get out of bed in the morning so i'm thinking of going to the doctors but i'm sick of being left really x

05-04-17, 22:10
In that case, I'd really emphasise the trouble it's causing you with sleeping and the way it's affecting your quality of life. Maybe see about getting an ultrasound scan, to get to the root of bloating - either way, tell them that even without it being appendicitis, you still want to get to the bottom of it and that you'd like to request further tests to find out what's going on. :) Good luck!

Clydesdale Epona
05-04-17, 22:49
In that case, I'd really emphasise the trouble it's causing you with sleeping and the way it's affecting your quality of life. Maybe see about getting an ultrasound scan, to get to the root of bloating - either way, tell them that even without it being appendicitis, you still want to get to the bottom of it and that you'd like to request further tests to find out what's going on. :) Good luck!

Thanks tantopat I really appreciate it :)
It definitely gets worse at night but I'm not sure if that's literally or if its my just in my head, I did have an ultrasound scan on it two years ago which came back clear, considering my symptoms I'm thinking it might be Endometriosis but I can't be sure, so going to make an appointment when I have free time x :hugs: