View Full Version : Beta Blockers

31-03-17, 10:51
Hi, sorry if this is a repeat of another post but has anyone been prescribed beta blockers for anxiety?

01-04-17, 04:32
Yeah I've been prescribed them a couple of times. Wasn't sure what to expect but I never really noticed a difference.
I gather they only work on the physical symptoms of anxiety like a racing heartbeat and sweating (I think) rather than the mental side of it so I think that's why I didn't feel they helped.
I do know people that have used them before public speaking or driving tests though and they say it helped them.
Best of luck, cheers, Robert

02-04-17, 14:49
I have been on them for around 10 years or so, I find it controls physical symptoms.

06-04-17, 17:15
I have been on and off them for many years. I find they help me with the racing heart and trembling due to anxiety. They don't help with the mental side of it though.

07-04-17, 07:58
I don't think I'm exaggerating to say they saved my life. Just the fact that they controlled my physical symptoms and stopped my heart from going crazy gave me the confidence to start building back up and reversing the damage that'd been done over the last several months.

By far the most useful medication I've ever taken (I do take them twice every day rather than as needed like many).