View Full Version : Acute diarrhoea for 4 days now

31-03-17, 13:11
Hi everyone

I had what I thought was a bout of food poisoning on Tuesday evening going into Wednesday. I had a chicken risotto at a local Italian and I believe part of it was undercooked. Ugh.

Anyway since then I have had horrendous watery diarrhoea and stomach cramps and gurgling. Today is the worst day by far and I cannot stay off the toilet. I thought it would be getting better by now as it is day 4 but it is actually getting worse. A few sips of water and its straight back on there toilet.

I have not eaten anything today, i did eat some some soup and a bit of cake yesterday as it was my birthday but I regret that.

Im wary of taking immodioum incase it stops the bug getting out.

Im scared if ending up in hospital with dehydration, what do i do?

31-03-17, 14:15
Hi Carrie Iam sorry to hear this Did you check the rating of the restaurant usually displayed in the front window? It's like you say probably under cooked or badly stored food in their fridges ukk indeed. Keep your self hydryated with plenty of water and eat some plain yogurt as it has good bacteria in it plain yoghurt will be fine or a old school tip mix some cornflour in a small cup with milk in it not in paste and not to runny either drink that and this will firm up the crap so to speak don't like the word stool ha ha and hope you feel better soon XX Cheers

31-03-17, 15:11
There's nothing cute about the diarrhea! ;) Just went through it this week... no fun. Just hydrate as best you can... it'll pass.

Positive thoughts

01-04-17, 09:23
Carrie, sorry to hear you are poorly. :hugs:
I had a bout of food poisoning a few years ago and it lasted 5 days and the only thing I could keep down was toast to begin with. I thought at the time that if it went on longer than a week, I would have to get a GP. But I was ok in the end.

Oh No! I missed your birthday!
What a time to be ill as well.
A belated birthday wish for you my friend.
Hope you can celebrate when feeling better. x :hugs:

01-04-17, 15:04
Hi Carrie how's your stomach problem now any better?!! Carrie me too hope you had a good birthday did you go any where nice? Cheers

01-04-17, 15:13
Thank you for your replies and thank you Carnation and BB for your Birthday wishes.
Well yesterday was awful as I must have gone to the toilet over 30 times.
I rang the GP and they said they would want to test a sample if it continues especially if it came from a restaurant.
I have had a piece of toast today and keep drinking, I just feel sick and the cramping is getting me down but at least I am not stuck to the toilet. I hope the bug is working its way out as I need to be fit for next week as my work load will be very full on.
Any tips for the stomach cramps after/during food poisoning? x

01-04-17, 15:48
Thank you for your replies and thank you Carnation and BB for your Birthday wishes.
Well yesterday was awful as I must have gone to the toilet over 30 times.
I rang the GP and they said they would want to test a sample if it continues especially if it came from a restaurant.
I have had a piece of toast today and keep drinking, I just feel sick and the cramping is getting me down but at least I am not stuck to the toilet. I hope the bug is working its way out as I need to be fit for next week as my work load will be very full on.
Any tips for the stomach cramps after/during food poisoning? x That's a awful lot of bog rolls :eek: Did you try the plain yoghurt even the value ones a large pot will only cost very little and should give you some much needed comfort :) Hope you are better soon and report that place you ate at to the environment health dept You call can be anonymous too. Cheers

01-04-17, 16:02
Hi, Carrie.
I dealt with severe diarrhea for three days this past week. I missed a day and a half of work over it. It was so bad that I was afraid that I was going to poop in my pants if I stayed at work, which has never happened to me in my life, lol. But which would be terrible.
I felt so sick that it seemed impossible I would ever feel better again.
Like you, I was using the toilet 20-30 times per day during my illness, and I was terrified by how much fluid I was losing. It seemed entirely possible that I would become dangerously dehydrated.
I was frightened and depressed by how weak and sick i felt.
But I did recover fully, in just a couple of days.
I am sure you will too.
Whether it's food poisoning or a stomach virus doesn't matter too much, as the treatment is the same for both: rest, lots of fluids (preferably electrolyte fluids), mild foods like crackers and soup, if you can manage it.
I am like you: I did not feel it wise to take any medicine to stop the diarrhea, as i believed that would only prolong the illness.

I hope and trust that you will feel better soon.
Best wishes.

01-04-17, 19:29
Carrie, avoid any fizzy or cold drinks, preferably water that has been boiled.
Avoid dairy as well. The other food I found I could eat was a banana. That should give you the energy that you will have lost. But eat it slowly. The first proper meal I had was a chicken casserole. Potatoes are another food that will be safe. What about a jacket potato? A hot water bottle will ease the stomach cramps a bit, but it will be a while before it will feel normal again. x :hugs: