View Full Version : Dinner at boyfriend's parents' house.

31-03-17, 14:44
I'm having dinner at my boyfriend's parents' house tonight and I'm really anxious about it. I've met them before and I don't have social anxiety really, but I'm worrying about not liking the food (I'm very emetophobic and food is a big area of anxiety for me that I like to control), being there too long, just sitting around after dinner, not knowing when we're leaving, getting anxious and wanting to leave but knowing I won't be able to without being rude. I always talk down my anxiety by telling myself any anxious situation I find myself in I can leave, but this I really can't leave without being really rude (aside from the fact that I will have no way of getting anywhere if I did leave). I've had such a bad week, anxiety-wise, I had one of the worst panic attacks I've had in a while on Wednesday and still feel bad. But I cancelled this dinner last time it was arranged so really have to go this time. But I really don't think I can :(

Any tips??