View Full Version : I feel lost

31-03-17, 15:17
Hello i have just joined here. I have some health issues and i have anxiety. So it is hard. I sometimes do not know which is which. I have optic nerve issue with some peripheral vision loss. Unknown why say from a virus i had somewhere in life. I hae tmj/tmd and tinnitus and some new very weird and maddening sporadic ear thump sound and feeling..a spasm thing i guess. I have been to drs. The ent says hopefully it will go away but ear looked ok. The maxiallary surgeon feels its from the jaw and i have a mouth guard. I started pt for the tmj felt worse and spasm after that. I can not use medicines as they are watching my eyes. I have been told watching inner angles but not at a danger level. So here i a, anxiety and scared because im human and i have an anxiety disorder and i dont know where to get a cure for the ailments as that doesnt seem to exist am i so rare? Is the ear thud spasm stuff anxiety or an ailment? Tinnitus varies too that does seem to worsen with anxiety amd tmj. I recently went for a ton of testing with a rhematoid dr took a ton of blood and will get results next week. My answers wont lie there but who knows what will be noted.

I feel lost. Does anyone else get ear spasm twitch think sporadically with anxiety? Tmj? Am i all alone? It all makes me so scared at times and i would have ran to meds but they said no risk benifit of the eye stuff. Each dr. Points to another dr they do not work as a team. im in the usa. Google has explainations but the doctors do not even discuss those. They say it isnt accurate stay off the web. Leaves me feeling like i am the only one with these issues at once.and hess. family doesnt want to hear me complain anymore. I have been to drs. They dont cure it. Lucky them they dont have these ear issues too. Im not comfortable and scared.

I use all the self calming i can find. And hypnosis for teeth clenching. Read tons of books and listen to all kinds of podcasts. The issue for me is things co exist. And i get so what if...scared. I feel so alone and just want this all to stop or be done here because this is not a quality of life. And if drs diagnoses but cant fix, or dont know and my family thinks im weak and not just dealing with everything..exactly how does that provide any hope for me? I tried therapy it did nit help me. Because the mix of ailments diagnosed and anxiety and cant use meds.

Please help

31-03-17, 15:25
Hiya Feelsolost and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

31-03-17, 17:50
Hell Feelsolost,

first of all, welcome to NoMorePanic. :)

I deal with health anxiety too, but I don't have any diagnosed severe medical issues. I have an issue with back tension and shoulder aches. The only eye problem I have is astigmatism, which just requires me to wear glasses (which I actually don't mind.) It does increase my risk of retinal detachment though.

I only mention all of this so you can put my reply into perspective, insofar that my experience is based mostly on merely "imaginary" illnesses. I really feel for you, you have to deal with actual medical issues and health anxiety, I would be a total wreck.

Now, that being said, I agree with what the doctors said about googling: Don't. Nothing could can come of it for someone suffering health anxiety. Believe me, I diagnosed myself with a lot of diseases by googling, driving my anxiety through the roof.

What I did find over the course of the last few months: health anxiety can produce a lot of physical symptoms, or exacerbate existing ones. I though I was having heart disease, googled the signs, and before you knew it I had chest pains. Turned out, my heart is fine (extensive tests done by cardiologist), my chest pain disappeared slowly. As it turned out, it was all tension which caused it. I also was afraid my retina was going to detach, Ophthalmologist checked it out, retina is A-OK, as is my eye pressure (softening my brain cancer fear) and everything else about my eyes, with the exception of the aforementioned astigmatism, which I have had since birth. I was also worried about various cancers of the GI tract, bowel, liver, kidney, pancreas, stomach. I ate almost nothing for 3 weeks, lost over 20 pounds. Of course when you google "sudden weight loss", cancer somewhere in the abdomen invariably turns up as a result. It doesn't matter that the logical thing to think is that eating almost nothing for weeks is responsible, in my mind I wasn't having an appetite because of severe disease.

What I mean to say is, a lot of your symptoms can be explained by anxiety and it can aggravate existing conditions. Of course, I took medication to overcome it. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be an option for you. Maybe you could look into natural / herbal remedies. Also, what kind of therapy did you do? Have you been to a therapist only, or a real Psychiatrist. A Psychiatrist may have other options, therapy and medication-wise.

Also, I have to say, talking about it to people who understand really does help a lot. This site has been a great comfort. It's good knowing that you are not alone.

I wish you all the best. :)


01-04-17, 02:56
Thank you for your reply. I wish someone had a similar issue so i didnt feel so alone. Its like a hiccup inside my ear. Grrr. No dr. Really seems to care its weird. They say probably the tmd sorry. And i cant take the flexoril they normally give. Drs do not seem to really care much. Theynhelp who they can help and call it a day. Then as i become anxious they will all blame that. It all makes no seanse to me. I would be fine if the inner ear spasm thing didnt hapoen or the strange tinnitius or sound stuff. Geez it all just whiooed in at of nowhere. Went to sleep and woke uo and wallah. My husband really has no clue how to help me. He thinks im being weak. He has no clue.i never knew such awful weird things can hapoen to people. And today with all these scans and technology we have it makes no sense they cant figure it out or actually even send me for scans. And they know i have issues but they arent even familiar with ootic nerve issues which is weird. They all say to go thru the oothamologist for what i can or cant use. They donr care. The pt for the jaw i think made it worse and im suppose to go back Monday. Ill talk thenphyscial therapist and tell her it got worse and she wint care but maybe a shorter session. Uggh. I am praying away this all just oasses and returns to its. normal baseline. I wish at least my hsband was more compassionate anout it.he has a knee thing going on so i think he is sidetracked himself.