View Full Version : Axious about going to disneyland

31-03-17, 19:03
Hello NMP Forums, I was referred to you all after I manically searched the internet in need of some assistance with a trip coming up.

I don't consider myself a very anxious person, but I do have the occasional anxiety attack that causes me to shut down completely. My worst experience was having day-long panic attacks five days in a row. This happened June of last year.

I was taken to the doctor and couldn't even talk to him, as I was still in full panic. He prescribed me a 40mg Prozac generic and a Clonazepam rescue medication. I was on the Prozac for about 6 months before I could not take the side effects anymore, so I waned myself off of it.

Since that episode last year I have had a few small instances and took a 0.5mg Xanax to cope with those.

My issue here is that I recently got hitched to the most wonderful woman I know, and we are driving ourselves to Disneyland California(About a 12 hour drive for us) and leave in about 25 days. I know it doesn't sound like a lot to many people, but this will be our first time taking on a trip like this by ourselves.

Just thinking about what could happen in 12 hours on the road makes me sick. There are accidents, wildlife, rain, ditches, falling asleep, running out of gas, electrical issues with the car, mechanical issues, medical... Plus the fact that none of these will likely happen, but my anxiety won't let me forget them the whole time we are driving.

There is nothing wrong with the car itself. but what if something went wrong and we are stranded without service or on a road that not many people use?

It frightens me to the point that I don't even want to keep writing here.

Is there anything that you think would help? Would it be worth seeing somebody in the time between now and the trip?

I just don't want to have a panic attack on the way there and not be able to help with the driving and such.

01-04-17, 18:40
I do think it would be helpful to see a therapist before going. I don't think it ever hurts to talk it out with someone!

Have you discussed any of your concerns with your wife? It may be for both of you if she was aware of your fears.

It's not good to give into you fears, but it IS good idea to be prepared (and it will probably help you feel better too!). I have an "emergency" kit in my car that has food, water, a first-aid kit, gloves/socks, a foldable shovel, space blankets, a knife, and extra rope. I also am always sure to keep a blanket in my car, plus an umbrella and a flashlight. You can buy little extra battery packs to plug your cell phones into if needed (I have those too!). Those simple things will cover a lot of bases if need be.

Be sure that you have a spare tire, and it's a good idea to have the car manual in the car in case a funny light comes on and you want to know what it means.

It's pretty rare that you'll be on stretches of road in California with no one around, and accidents are rare as well.

I seriously feel much more reassured that if something goes wrong, I have the tools to handle it. It's kind of like a fun challenge :). Plus, I always get to be the person that has something if a friend needs a pain pill or a bottle of water.

Enjoy your trip to Disneyland and congrats on the marriage!!

Oh - and welcome to the forum!

03-04-17, 17:27
Thank you poppy. I'm feeling a little better about it.

I am trying to think of a way to make the distance a little less daunting. 11 hours with no stops seems like an eternity! Do you have any tips on not freaking out when you see you still have hours and hours left? The last time I went to Disneyland I had my whole family, and we flew, which took less than 2 hours.

Almost six times that here. Phew.

03-04-17, 21:03
Definitely count on stops. I can't sit still for 11 hours either, and you'll surely need to stop for a bite to eat, or gas, or to go to the bathroom.

If the weather's nice, maybe you can stop at a rest area and have a picnic/take a walk.

Otherwise to pass the time, you could try creating a playlist. I know you'll be driving, but if you get really bored maybe you can listen to (not watch!) a favorite/funny show.

I feel you - anxiety or not, 11 hours in a car is massively stifling.