View Full Version : Pain in Sternum and shortness of breath

31-03-17, 20:03
Well its been a long road. I have been getting better but still have some issues. I still keep getting pains and tightness in my sternum with shortness of breath sometimes. I also concentrate on my breathing sometimes. Ive had ecg normal. All my blood work is good except my platlets are low but my primary dr, gastro dr, and psychiatrist say its anxiety.

My CAT scan was clear and good. Sometimes I still think its my heart but have been getting better. My Dr are sending me to see Cardiologist for my own piece of mind. Appt is not till end of April.

Currently Im on klonopin. Dr wants me to take Lexpro but I dont want to.

The shortness of breath happens out of yhe blue and can last for hours. Its not like panic attack or nothing. Has me considered Dr says its anxiety. I have been geeting better but still have these set backs. Thanks for opinions and support

02-04-17, 06:25
I experienced tightness in my sternum with shortness of breath. I don't have a clue what caused it but it went away on its own - or other symptoms replaced it, is more accurate. I could get some relief with calm breathing and drinking hot tea. I think something there just tightens up in response to anxiety. Indigestion can cause that area to tense up and hurt and also causes shortness of breath so sometimes an antacid would help. But it's not true shortness of breath and I think that's what helped me the most. As horrible as that feeling is, and how quickly it can trigger a panic attack, you can still speak and sip water and as long as I could reassure myself of that, it just became a bothersome anxiety symptom not an all out panic emergency.

02-04-17, 21:11
Your right on. I laugh at times with this but sometimes anxiety I guess snaps my frame of mind. When I exercise jump rope pushups etc I dont get it at all. Then I will somewhat laugh at myself. Do the same thing with my heart then I think I do all this during exercise and nothing with my heart either. Then when Im sitting watching tv or whatever this stuff pops up and my mind starts racing or a different symtom manifest itself. Like newer one today pain right behind my eye on and off. At times anxiety is comical you know it is anxiety but somewhere somehow your brain does its own thing and you do the same things to: looking at google,looking for reassurance crazy cycle

My indigestion or minor gerd problems I think trigger most these sensations. Not sure if the gerd causing the anxiety or the anxiety causing the gerd. I do know the anxiety started first early last year with no gerd. So my guess is the anxiety caused the gerd. This shit sure gets old after awhile..:mad: