View Full Version : Fear of IV sedation. Can anyone help?

31-03-17, 22:55
Hi everyone.

So I have a dental suregery appointment scheduled on the 6th April for multiple extractions (14 in total).

Now I don't have a fear of needles and the extraction does not really bother me as I have had multiple extractions before with just a local in the mouth.

The NHS have sent me to a private dental clinic for the extraction under conscious IV sedation (Midazolam). Been under the influence of drugs is one of my greatest fear as I worry if what the sensation of the drug kicking in will be like and what if I don't like the sensation as the drug is already in my blood stream. Will I be dizzy? Will I feel like I am no longer with my body?

I spoke to the dental surgeon initially and he said to me that it will be like he has given me 20 gin and tonics in one go. I asked him if it will make me feel dizzy and he said no, not the way he will administer it. Even though he has told me this I am still on a panic about it.

I tried researching what sedation feels like but it seems every dental website use the same script "it will make you calm and sleepy and you may not remember most or any of the treatment". It is as if they have all copied off of the same template to describe conscious sedation.

So I am reaching out to the community to see if anyone can give me any detailed descriptions of the sensation when this drug is administered and when it kicks in.

Many thanks.

01-04-17, 14:37
Hi Mrleeuk not sure if I had the same drug when I had my stent fitted in 2009 being something to do with the heart I thought I was going to have a general while the stent was fitted so rolled my sleeve up ready and he said oh no we now do it under local anaesthetic so took my jeans off and felt this small prick in the top of my groin boy was it fast acting I went cold from the waist up to my neck did feel strange, but knew I was in safe hands :) but was fully awake and could chat with the consultant. all fixed up in 20 mins too! And this operation was probably worse than your procedure. What you having done if I may ask? So perhaps just ask for a drug that will make you numb but still awake cause that was a worry with my procedure didn't want to feel sleepy or drift in and out of conscious in case I died. the drug used ( I didn't ask the name ) I was fine feeling coldish and numb and it soon wore off after the procedure too. if it is the same drug as you are having it didn't make me sleepy one bit and was talking a lot too I knew what was going on around me. HTH some what Cheers