View Full Version : Tinnitus from 10mg Citalopram

31-03-17, 23:16
Hi there.

This is my first post but I've been reading this forum extensively these last few days. Probably too much (health anxiety).

Tonight I decided to finally start to make a thread about my recent nightmare.

I was put on Citalopram 10mg for anxiety in February, I continued taking it for 26 days until March 9th, then I stopped because I was getting nose bleeds and ear ringing. The ear ringing went away shortly but I was too scared to continue taking the tablets incase it returned. Then, all of a sudden on March 24th, I woke up with ringing in my ears.

It's now been seven days and it's still here. It's keeping me awake at night and causing my anxiety to go through the roof.

Is there anyone else here who has went through this on citalopram? And did it get better? I really need uplifting news right now.

01-04-17, 00:52
Hi there.

Welcome to No More Panic, :welcome:

I was put on Citalopram 10mg for anxiety in February, I continued taking it for 26 days until March 9th, then I stopped because I was getting nose bleeds

Are you on any other medications or supplements with anticoagulant properties including otc painkillers and Omega-3 fatty acids/fishoil?

If not, then the SSRIs, the mainly serotonergic SNRIs -venlafaxine (Effexor), desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) and duloxetine (Cymbalta) and the TCAs amitriptyline (Elavil), clomipramine (Anafranil) and imipramine (Tofranil), are probably not the right antidepressants for you. All the serotonin reuptake inhibiting antidepressants are mild anticoagulants. For most this is not a problem, may even be an additional benefit, but bleeding can be an issue for some.

and ear ringing. The ear ringing went away shortly but I was too scared to continue taking the tablets incase it returned. Then, all of a sudden on March 24th, I woke up with ringing in my ears.

It's now been seven days and it's still here. It's keeping me awake at night and causing my anxiety to go through the roof.

A great many medications and supplements can trigger ear ringing (tinnitus). Literally almost everything from antibiotics to zit remedies. I'm not sure the current tinnitus is necessarily due to the citalopram as that would have been completely out of your system within a week of the last dose.

Is there anyone else here who has went through this on citalopram? And did it get better? I really need uplifting news right now.

It is impossible to say without knowing the cause, but people experience tinnitus from time to time for no obvious reason and it usually just goes away without treatment. It is most likely to persist if there is significant pre existing hearing loss due to prolonged exposure to loud noise.

01-04-17, 01:15
Thanks for the reply panic_down_under.

No, I wasn't on any other medication. Citalopram is the only anti depressant I've ever taken. I haven't taken any since March 9th. I stopped cold turkey. I feel like this should be out of my system by now but I've seen others say it could take much longer.

I never had ear problems before this. My hearing has always been perfect. I never listen to loud music, at least not loud enough to cause damage.

That is why I'm so confused. It can only be the Citalopram. I just don't understand why the ringing was so delayed.

Do you think I should go see an ENT doctor?

01-04-17, 05:49
I feel like this should be out of my system by now but I've seen others say it could take much longer.

The rule of thumb is that a med is eliminated within 5 half-lives (~35 hours for citalopram), so around 7 days. It may take an extra day, or two if you're a slow metabolizer. Either way it is now completely out of your system.

Do you think I should go see an ENT doctor?

You could. One of the treatments (https://www.ata.org/managing-your-tinnitus/treatment-options/drug-therapies) you may be offered is an antidepressant. I'd hold off for a week or two as there is a good chance it will resolve on its own.