View Full Version : Need to talk

chatty girl
01-04-17, 12:53
I really don't want to be here again but right now I just need to talk to people who understand.

I haven't been on for a long time and am/was doing really well, I have a fear of cancer particularly bowel cancer that went on for some time if you seen any of my other posts. Its coming up for a year when it all began and my brain has started me worring again. I'm trying so hard to stop the thoughts coming in but their beating me. I'm checking when I go to the loo again and constantly thinking well if it is its all too late now.

I've been doing so well fully accepted ibs following the fodmap diet with brilliant results, knowing my tummy hurts because I've eaten something I shouldn't.

But now the fear is back......what if it was all wrong and i do have bowel cancer.......

Thanks for reading as always x

01-04-17, 15:31
Sounds like a relapse. Sounds like you know it's a relapse. The answer is simple and you already know it. It's your anxiety. Since you have beat it before you can do it again.

chatty girl
02-04-17, 12:53
The trigger really began yesterday when I saw bbc breakfast news with a lady called Deborah who has been diagnosed stage 4 bowel cancer. I feel absolutely awful for her and her children family.

The part that worries me is i read she had symptoms for two years possibly and doctors wouldn't take her seriously then it got much worse and she had a colonoscopy.

I've had a sigmoidoscopy but still.always think I should of had a colonoscopy.

What do you guys think xx