View Full Version : Fear of Flying

26-04-07, 20:38
Hello all,

I don't know if I'm posting this for advice or just to write all the horrid confused thoughts that are in my head down on 'paper' - as if to purge them - so I'll just start writing.

I am a sufferer of Health Anxiety. I always have been, to some degree, and recently it has got a lot worse. So many things set me off but at the moment it's fear of flying as I'm flying to America at the end of May. Firstly, of course, I'm terrified of having a heart attack during the flight. Secondly, of having a massive panic attack I can't stop. Then I'm afraid my eardrum will rupture (I'm just getting over an ear infection that did perforate my eardrum so fear it will happen again), and that I'll go blind. Going blind is my worst fear...and I worry that the cabin pressure will affect my eyes and cause retinal detachment. And don't forget the risk of deep vein thrombosis, or just fainting, or, indeed, anything.

Now, I know all these are unlikely to happen. The (tiny) portion of my mind that is rational tells me that I should be fine. However I can't help worrying myself sick about it. I have thought about getting some tranquillisers from my GP, but - and how typical this is! - I worry that they will affect me badly and I'll die.

This anxiety is ruling my life. I may well get ill, or go blind, or have a heart attack, but I don't want to live in fear of health problems any more...can anyone advise me as to what I can do to help myself?

Thank you for reading. It has been good just to write these things down and know that the good people here won't think I'm crazy or tell me to 'just pull myself together'. :unsure:

Anna. x

27-04-07, 18:04
Hi Anna,

No you most certainly are not crazy. Congratulations on your trip, I know you will have a great time. I understand your fear on flying, many of us here have it. As for your eardrum, if you think you might have a problem have your doctor check it out before your flight since you are recovering from an infection. I personally have never heard of anyone losing their sight from cabin pressure, ever. Get up and walk around a bit on the plane to stretch your legs. Take a book to read, music and remember they play movies on those flights, anything to distract your mind.

The key is to focus on the here and now. Not on the "what ifs" or the maybes, just the present. If you can do that minute by minute or second by second if need be you will be okay. Believe me I had to do that sometimes myself. I believe most of our fears come from our minds creating disaster of what might happen so focus on the present and distract yourself if need be. Have a wonderful time over here and write back a great success story.


Laura :)

27-04-07, 19:00
Hello Anna !

We always anticipate the worst - and this is the horrible thing about panic !
When I fly long-haul I split the journey up into "bite-size" bits of an hour or so. I make sure I occupy this time by, reading, listening to music, watching in-flight entertainment, eating and drinking, going to the loo to freshen up, chatting to other passengers etc. The time goes so quickly there is no opportunity to panic. Long-haul planes are usually bigger so you an get up and stretch your legs, all the cabins are pressurised and meet every health and safety regulation. Many of us have experienced your aprehension and lived to tell the tale ! Anna, have a wonderful holiday and tell us all about it when you get back.

In the meantime mug-up on breathing and relaxation techniques.
be kind to yourself

30-04-07, 16:15
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me - your reassurance means so much.

I really like the idea of breaking the journey into bite-size pieces. I think that will work well for me! :yesyes:

I will definitely report back when I've returned, hopefully with a success story.

Many thanks again. :D

Anna. x