View Full Version : throbbing, pulsating in neck

26-04-07, 20:45
If i tilt my head down, or yawn, cough etc, I get a pulsating, throbbing pain in my neck. Im worried about it anyone else get this? THe pain isnt steady. Like right now I dont feel it, but if i dip my head down and up again, or sneeze ill feel the throbbing pain in my neck. Its like the artery is hurting from the extra blood flow pressure. could this be an aneurysm or something bad with the artery in my neck. Anyone get this?

27-04-07, 02:49
All the time.. read my post I have had it for a year..So far I have had two doctors and three nurses tell me its nothing..stress related and inactivity and paying too much attention to it.. So hope this helps.. M

27-04-07, 03:54
You have this also in the neck? I have to find your post. I dont get it all of the time. but i had it yesterday and today and its scaring me cause its related what seems to be blood flow pain

04-05-07, 23:05

Ok.. what I have learned so far ..and yes I have felt pain in my arteries about where the pulsation comes from but was told by three different people its neck strain or just tension it just seems to radiate from the area where you are aware of hearing your pulse..

Omg..I don't know what you would do if you felt and heard what I do almost everyday of my life.. But at least I have learned so far it hasnt been fatal whatever it is..just rather scarry and annoying...

I wish it would go away and some days I can just ignore it away but I have a weird feeling its got something to do with our necks or spines being out of aliegnment..

One example..I was hearing my pulse rather loudly one day and the whole thing just made me feel as though I didnt want to get up and do anything..Ok..well one of our dogs conviently took off somewhere and we felt the need to locate her..Well we have a huge parcal of land we are talking about 19 hectres or about 40 acres..It was cold and windy and we drove around our property down dusty bumpy roads and I was thinking the whole time this cant be good for me..

I was bouncing around like being on an amusement ride..Then we came back and took our atv up and down around the creek bed and bumping and rolling back and forth ..I kept thinking geez im going to be dead tonight..from the shock of being outdoors on an atv going around on bumpy rough terrain..Guess what? We came back and that evening was the first time in a long time I didnt hear my pulse at all.

Best I can guess it has a lot to do with your posture and your body weight and there are other factors such as tension and sometimes it just happens..I have a nurse friend that I speak with on a regular basis that is over 2000 miles away but we speak on the internet..She has a horrible heart condition and bad mumur and reduced blow flow..but you know what she tells me ? She says that 99 percent of the things that we have or that cause us pain or being uncomfortable isnt fatal..its just real annoying..

When im feeling bad and scared even though I post here I think about what she said and the nurse that lives nearby has told me.."there is absolutely nothing wrong with you " I just keep thinking about her voice in my head and the other nurse which i have never met in person and it helps a lot..Also what a therapist once told me..When you get weird feelings just try to ignore them and tell yourself they are not real and they will go away its just temporary..Believe me over the years its about the only way i have survived anxiety is remembering his words so many years ago..But they all seem to be right..I haven't died yet and well the feelings did in fact go away but they do come and go at odd times but never stay..I hope I brought some comfort to you ..