View Full Version : Is this even a thing?

02-04-17, 13:16
If I like distend my tummy and exhale deeply it feels like my liver hurts? Does that happen to anyone else? My bf says its not a 'thing' cos it doesn't actually hurt unless I make it hurt type thing, but don't know if it means there is something wrong with my liver? He just says well don't do it then, so I don't know if it's just my health anxiety. My doctor felt my liver and spleen a few weeks ago and said everything was normal, not swollen or anything. But I'm worried it might mean something is wrong :(

02-04-17, 13:23
Nope, you've been checked & all well:) Its probably muscles your pulling in doing that
( stop doing it & you'll be fine;) ) Take care xx

02-04-17, 14:29
My bf says its not a 'thing' cos it doesn't actually hurt unless I make it hurt type thing

Your bf is 100% right... it's like the old comedy routine...

Patient: Doc, it hurts when I do______ (place your symptom).
Doctor: Don't do ______

Positive thoughts

02-04-17, 14:32
So what you are saying is that you are trying to feel pain in the liver?

02-04-17, 15:00
Haha Fishman, it is. I'm sure that's what my doctor would say as well! Paranoid Viking - I suppose yes I am. It doesn't hurt at all unless I do that. But I'm just worried that it does hurt if I push it out? Could that mean there's something wrong with it?

02-04-17, 15:05
C'mon LF ~lol~ It just means that it's not a normal, natural thing to do. Stop reaching!

Positive thoughts