View Full Version : Escitalopram increase to 15mg

02-04-17, 17:57
Hi I am taking escitalopram for general anxiety, I was doing I have gone slowly on increasing my doses 2.5mg for 1 week, 5 for a week, 7.5 for 2 weeks, 10 for 4 weeks. I was doing ok and had a couple of straight weeks where I felt okish. However since increasing to 15mg 2 weeks ago my anxiety has doubled, although deep down I feel better (if that makes sense?!). Just after some moral support that these are just side effects. Not sure whether to stay at this dose, increase or go back to 10mg!!!

02-04-17, 23:37
Just after some moral support that these are just side effects. Not sure whether to stay at this dose, increase or go back to 10mg!!!

I'd have stayed at 10mg for longer than 4 weeks as it typically takes 3-12 weeks to see an improvement. However, now you're on 15mg you may as well stay there for a while.

Serotonergic antidepressants often trigger heightened anxiety at some point due to the increase in serotonin activity. For some this begins within an hour of the first dose, for others it may take a couple of weeks and for a few it only happens at a higher dose. It all depends on individual tripping points. Some tolerate it better than others.

The brain usually responds to the increased serotonin activity by reducing serotonin synthesis and expression within a few weeks and anxiety levels then ease. Given you've been on 15mg for 2 weeks it is likely that things will settle down within days, though don't hold me to that. Unfortunately, the only predictable thing about antidepressants is their unpredictability. :weep: