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26-04-07, 23:41
Hi everyone...:weep:

I keep feeling lethargic and just want to go to sleep all the time? Have great difficulty getting myself motivated to do anything...Everything seems such an effort...even the simple survival things...

Feel very isolated...keep thinking I'm going crazy...:wacko: ...:ohmy:

No sense of purpose and nothing seems very interesting...a great desire to shut myself away from everything...No TV, Radio, Phone pick-up's etc...

Even Retail Therapy doesn't seem to work very well. I buy things and leave them untouched in their bags for days...or take them back for some reason...

Can anyone relate to any of this stuff ? It's probably depression, I know...strange thing is, I've started getting a few things done in the last few days with regard to soliciting outside help...so why the apathy?

27-04-07, 01:59

I have felt exactly the same the past few weeks, no energy, tired all the time, could sleep for england lol.

When our anxiety is on a high we have to fight that much harder to keep it under control and constantly fighting is very tiring.

Have you tried some gentle excercise, as the only way to combat the tiredness is to become more energetic, it is a real push at first, but you will begin to feel a difference.

Take care

Trac xx

27-04-07, 08:53
Hi Allan!

This really is pants isn't it? :huh:

Depression/Anxiety = no motivation or interest = tiredness = can't be bothered or too much effort = Depression/Anxiety.

You're not crazy Allan - I felt like a hamster in an excercise wheel when I was like this!

I think your apathy may be because of the phenomenal effort it appears to take to 'break the circle'. I know mine was.

But, hey! You've started to slow the wheel down already haven't you, by seeking outside help? And that was a positive step by the sound of it!:yesyes:

So, a gradual decline in 'hamster wheel' speed, rather than an emergency stop may be the way to go here?

Slowly, but surely, eh?


27-04-07, 09:21

I have felt exactly the same the past few weeks, no energy, tired all the time, could sleep for england lol.

When our anxiety is on a high we have to fight that much harder to keep it under control and constantly fighting is very tiring.

Have you tried some gentle excercise, as the only way to combat the tiredness is to become more energetic, it is a real push at first, but you will begin to feel a difference.

Take care

Trac xx

Trac you describe there exactly how I feel lately too. I don't feel depressed at the moment but gosh do I feel sooooo tired. I could also sleep for England but unfortunately tired as I am I find it hard to get a decent nights sleep due to the menopause and hot flushes at night.

Today I'm so tired I haven't even tried to go on the treadmill as I just don't have the energy :ohmy:

01-05-07, 02:05
Hi Trac

Thanks for your reply. It's a comfort of sorts to know I'm not the only one who feels this way...
Maybe I'll give the gentle exercise a try...
Keep wondering if I've got some form of ME...but I'm not the yuppy type!

All the best and take care



02-05-07, 12:06
Hi Allan!

Been thinking (yes it has been known!)......

Have you had blood tests to see if you may be slightly anaemic? If you were found to be then maybe this would account for your tiredness and lethargy? Maybe worth going to your GP to find out?

Many years ago, as a result of blood tests, I found out I was very slightly anaemic - not enough for medication but enough for it to affect me. Now I just make sure I eat plenty iron-rich foods . And red wine is supposed to help too...in moderation of course!! :shades:

Just a thought!

GG xxx