View Full Version : Sepsis

03-04-17, 09:20

I am 20, and I have had anxiety for years. However, this is the worst my health anxiety has been. I currently have a bad tooth, for which I was prescribed antibiotics for at the local ER. During that same day, I was diagnosed by the urgent care center with a sinus infection. That was 6 days ago. Today, I wake up and notice that I have developed petichae on one side of my body. I went back to the ER. The nurse insisted that it looked like a strep rash, so she swabbed my throat and it came back positive. She switched my antibiotics and sent me on my way. Now, I am freaking out, worried that she did not observe me well enough and that the rash is in fact sepsis and I am going to die. I have googled strep rashes, and they look nothing like what I currently have. Please, someone tell me there is a logical reason that this can not be.

Thank you in advance.

03-04-17, 09:32
They don't let people showing any sign of sepsis walk out of there. And sepsis tends to take hold very quickly. You'd probably be seriously ill by now.

You have a professional medical opinion backed up by a test. Don't let your random Googling drag you in scary directions. Your Googling does not trump medical expertise and testing.

03-04-17, 09:40
Thank you for replying. I come from a small town where the perception is that we do nothing right, including at our ER. It has me worked up because I was misdiagnosed by the urgent care, so I've been sitting with an infection for 6 days. And sepsis is something I've just recently become aware of, so I am obsessing a bit.

03-04-17, 09:56
Well, whatever the perception, there's nothing you can do about that. I can understand previous misdiagnosis affecting your thought process. But just because it happened once doesn't mean it will again. Sepsis is not easily mistaken, and it strikes fast. The fact you're sitting here on the forum is a positive sign. It's not all that common either.

During the course of your life, you'll become aware of many things for the first time. Some will be scary. I would recommend you don't live this way, because reacting this way to every new medical emergency you learn of will only make you miserable.

03-04-17, 10:01
Yes sir, I am choosing to think I may be dying, clearly.

03-04-17, 10:08
You are, though. There is no evidence to suggest sepsis. You have no reason to worry about sepsis. I'm simply pointing out the irrationality at the heart of your thought process. If anything you said was remotely suggestive of sepsis, I wouldn't be doing that. Have you sought help with your anxiety, as that is where the true problem lies.

03-04-17, 10:12
Thought processes aren't as easily controllable and most would think, if you have any inkling of anxiety you know that as well as I do. Yes, I have. Nothing seems to work for me. I'm a fully rational person who graduated high school with a 3.8, yet when it comes to my health I just can't get a grasp on it.

03-04-17, 10:17
What would you like to be told? Yes, I know how challenging anxiety is. But that doesn't mean it deserves any credit. Irrational thought processes deserve to be exposed to the sufferer for what they are. I've been there. I've suffered. I got treatment and gradually recovered. I'm speaking from experience.

I categorically will not give your fear of sepsis any credibility because it does not deserve it. Academic ability means nothing in the face of anxiety. I'm academically successful, too. I still had a breakdown and thought I was dying. I can sympathise with you if you like. I have tonnes of sympathy with people on here. I can always relate. But you posted about a worry that you needn't waste any more time on. If that worry has control of you and cannot be overcome, you'll have to seek treatment.

12-04-17, 11:37
Ankshus, did your sinus infection and rash resolve? It sucks that you had strep, sinus infection and a tooth infection all at the same time :(