View Full Version : Just Had Another Terrifying Episode!

27-04-07, 00:20
I was just lying on the couch and had a horrible sensation like I've had a few times before. It's almost impossible to describe. It was almost like a tuning fork went off in my head. Like a split second of dizzy, then almost like a jolt or vibration (My head may have actually vibrated a little), then almost like a split second of "fade out" although I didn't black out. It was over within 5 seconds. I am so depressed now! I've had it before but it's been probably over a month. I thought I was doing so good. I just can't believe this is from anxiety. My neck (at the base of skull) and shoulders have been feeling really tight today. Does anybody think this is connected? I've been on the computer playing games today and my neck felt tight and I knew I should probably quit playing.

I've read all the posts on here about "head sensations". I just wish I knew what this was. What was actually going on in my head to cause it. I can't even explain it, it is over so fast but it is SO SCARY! It is so hard for me to just ignore it and go on and be happy. Just when I felt like I was ready to go out and be "normal" again. Now I feel like going to bed and crying and cancelling all my outings that I had planned. I am so sick of this scary thing and no doctor or anybody can tell me what it is. I GIVE UP!!!

27-04-07, 02:47
Just so you will know.. you arent alone..I think it has something to do with neck strain..I too usually experience this after laying at certain angles on the couch..Its weird..Its like electricity going through your brain and a jolt or wave goes across your brain.I have had several sensations like this and well not exactly sure what causes it .I got worried and attributed it to maybe a clogged artery or something but think it has more to do with neck strain..Not sure but wanted to offer some reassurance that I have these occassionally too and well maybe that would help a little..M

27-04-07, 14:55
Thanks for your reply. I'm not convinced that "electricity" is the right description, it's just so hard to describe. I cried for hours last night. I always go into a depression after I have one of these "spells". I wondered if it were a "mechanical" problem with my neck. Wouldn't you think that if it was then it would happen more often? I first felt it 12 years ago. I wasn't laying on the couch for a long time. I had actually just laid my head down when it happened. Seems like I'm always lying down when I get these. I've been to many doctors and no one can tell me what it is. I wish they could feel it in there head and then maybe they would be more concerned.

Does anybody think that negative thoughts could cause these undescribable "head zaps"? I was feeling down. It seems like when I think about my past "episodes" that it is usually a time when I am feeling "blue". I'm just so afraid that it has to do with an artery compression or something in order for me to feel that much intensity in my head.

I think I would take my "heart skips" over this anyday! At least there is a physical explanation to it. The fear comes from not knowing!

I know I just need to trust in God to protect me and quit worrying about it. It is hard.

Thanks everyone who has read this. I know it's hard to relate to such a strange symptom. Maybe I shouldn't even post about this here as I don't know that it is from anxiety. However, it sure causes it!

30-04-07, 11:54
Also get this - I am having day of reading about weird symptoms on here and I seem to get them too. Maybe that tells us it is anxiety?
I get these most often when trying to focus on something - it feels like its my eyes or my ears but the feeling is like a jolt inside my brain. Odd and scary but I've had this on and off for 18 months now, so it must be part and parcel of anxiety and mini panic attacks