View Full Version : Testicular Cancer Worries.

03-04-17, 12:18
Hello everybody.

The past 8 months or so, I have been worried about all manner of things, from Leukaemia, to Lung Cancer, to Bowel cancer- and have been to the Doctor's an awful lot regarding all this.

Anyway, about a fortnight ago, my scrotum felt particularly sore- and so I decided to check (this was mainly the skin around my right testicle). I couldn't find anything- and checked again in the bath the next day- noticing I could feel a lump that seemed to move. I could check for about 10 minutes and not find it, only to find it moved to an area I had already checked. This worried me for a few days, and so I continued to check them- and eventually found that this seemed to be in the skin rather than actually on the testicles.

This should have been the end of my concerns- but I obsessively continued to worry- now worrying I may also have something wrong with my left testicle. I tried to not check as best as I could- however I couldn't resist yesterday- and am now convinced my left testicle is swollen. Continuing to check- there'll be times I don't think it's significantly different from my right one, and then I'll check again and worry that it is. This went on for a fair portion of yesterday- and today I was about to call the doctor's when I decided to stop myself.

I've been to the Doctor's for a great many things over a short period of time- non of which have been true- what must they be thinking of me. By continuing to make appointments, I am only feeding my hypochondria. I'd like to think I am doing the right thing- but I can't stop the thought that soon I'm going to die of testicular cancer.

I'm 19 years old if that makes any difference- so what do the people here with more experience in this stuff than me think- have I made the right decision? The fact that it started with one testicle, and when I found nothing wrong with that it moved to the other seems to infer there's not much wrong- but I am still incredibly worried non the less.

Any words of re-assurance would be helpful, as well as opinions.


03-04-17, 12:43
Any words of re-assurance would be helpful, as well as opinions.

You're 19 years old... that right there is enough to dismiss your fears :) ...and I know you'll come back with. "but I read cases where a 19yo gets cancer"... So incredibly rare as to not even be considered.

Positive thoughts

03-04-17, 12:48
Thanks a lot.