View Full Version : Good Monday morning, I'm new

03-04-17, 14:52
My names Tim and I've had panic and anxiety for years now. i've tried lots of different of approaches to get rid of the severity of the conditions. Everyone gets fearful, nervousness and anxious at appropriate times. However when your walking round the supermarket buying shopping or taking your kids to school and their is nothing to be afraid of then I feel like I shouldn't be afraid, and I am.

I've been on lots of different pharmaceutical drugs over the years, Prozac, Paxil, lexepro, beta blockers, well butrin, Zoloft ect ect I was on Paxil for a year and a half and lexepro for 8 months. Both had side effects in the bedroom. It came down to a choice between anxiety or sex and because I'm a man I chose sex. I kept going to the doctor expecting an answer and got 'try this pill, try this pill' but what did I expect they are told by pharmaceutical companies that these pills will eleviate anxiety and they did but the side effects where to much to bear. I didn't like the zombie like feelings and my lack of drive as well a plethora of other stuff.

Also I've been with a counselor for years, my friend who I pay for. We talk about the past a lot, how I didn't feel loved, we grew up poor, my dad left. Nothing out of the ordinary growing up in the 80's.

Late last year my doctor prescribed me Xanax. Wow it's fantastic, my first week of taking a .5 mg dose at night was amazing. No panic or anxiety wow it was like a vacation and I didn't feel like a zombie, was the best driver, shopper, lover and dad you could ever have. After about the third week I started to get a little shaky and see some of the symptoms coming back. The docs like 'just up the dose' I did and I got through Christmas and what's this after Christmas I got a couple of late gifts of anxiety and panic attacks. I had made a resolution that I would not up the dose again. So after staying on my dose for another week or two I decided to ween myself off these beautiful but very addictive pills. Luckily I'm self employed so I was able to hide a lot, my average panic moment lasts about 30 seconds. The build up varies wildly, for me it can last days or minutes. Really. It's amazing what you do when anxiously bored. Tony Robbins is fantastic and so is Les Brown these guys have motivational videos on u tube and they helped me a lot. I also read a lot, 'at last a life panic and anxiety free' that is an amazing book by an English guy who went through all of this.

The weening was hideous no sleep, out of body stuff, panic, anxiety and even some hallucinating. I never hallucinated on acid when I was in my teens and yet here I was hallucinating at 43 coming off a drug prescribed by my dr.. Anyway it lasted for about a month the severity of the symptoms have gone down and now I'm free of the Xanax. :yahoo:

Ok so what now, you may ask. Well I came across a book that's been hanging in my bathroom for about two years. I bought it as a present for myself one Christmas. Depression free naturally by Joan Mathews Larson. It goes into diet, and vitamin supplements. At first I hated it because you have to change the way you eat and take a bunch of vitamins. What a load of bs you and I may think but I've been on the diet for about 2 weeks (Jesus shoot me) basically the Atkins diet without the good stuff. No sugar, bread, potatoes or all of the things I like. Lots of meat and veg, no caffeine OMG. The first week was about the same as Xanax withdrawal but the headaches were worse and I didn't hallucinate. The jury's out I feel clear and my once a day panic attack is now a once a week panic attack. I'll take it. I'll keep you posted!

03-04-17, 15:01
Hiya tgrassdr and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

03-04-17, 15:08
Welcome to the forum! It is nice to see that more folks from the US are here. I mean that in a good way, not that people suffer from panic. I think it's great that you found out that diet and vitamins are helping. I had anxiety for years and I tried the medication. I was on Zoloft for 20 days and the physical side effects were horrendous, I lost weight, couldn't eat etc. It did calm my brain down and I learned how to push intrusive thoughts away. I do believe diet helps and vitamins. I take evening primrose, I'm a woman and it helps with the emotions. I have always cooked my own meals, I stay away from processed and fast food. Way to much sodium in this type of meal. I have never drank coffee or any form of soda as they made me too nervous. I guess I have a sensitive system. I don't even take over the counter medication, if it has a side effect I'll get it. Keep us posted! What other foods are in this diet? I don't eat a lot of bread or potatoes, so I'm ok with that. I do enjoy cooking so I would be curious to learn more about this.